Hey Greg,
that would really be a great help, thank you so much. About the printer, it is a BCN3D Sigma R19.
Attached you will find the .3mf and the G-code it creates on my machine.
You can find the faulty line quite easily by searching for "M109 S215".
2020CityGenericV1_RR_L0.6-Wood_R0.4-Carbon_UHQ.3mf 2020CityGenericV1_RR_L0.6-Wood_R0.4-Carbon_UHQ.gcode
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GregValiant 1,454
With the model loaded and Cura ready to slice use the "File | Save Project" command. That will create a project file with the model, your settings, and your printer. Post the 3mf file here.
Since it's an IDEX you have two separate print heads and extruders?
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