Note that Cura does not support math operations on the replacement patterns.
GregValiant 1,342
The formula for an extrusion at 100% flow is "Volume of Filament In = Volume of Extrusion Out".
((FilDia/2)² x PI) x FilamentLength = LineWidth x LayerHeight x ExtrLength
Filament Length(Enumber) = (LineWidth x LayerHeight x ExtrLength) / ((FilDia/2)² x PI)
The FeedRate then dictates the FlowRate of material through the hot end as:
FlowRate in mm³/sec = Volume of Extrusion / (ExtrusionLength/PrintSpeed in mm/sec)
If you don't know which printer will get the Gcode file then it is best to have a StartUp Gcode that is suitable for all your printers. That would mean your purge lines must work on the printer with the smallest build plate "Y".
Ahoeben also brings up a point. There is no way to calculate an E value (within the StartUp Gcode) that is dependent on the bed size/length of extrusion.
Things become more complicated when one printer has 1.75 filament and the other has 2.85 filament. If that is a possibility then you would need to change ALL the printers, AND Cura, to Volumetric extrusion.
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GregValiant 1,342
The page with all the Cura Keywords is HERE and we can thank @ahoeben (FieldofView) for that.
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