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Posted (edited) · SOme parts of model disapear after slicing

There are a couple of reasons for areas to come out like that.

Models with errors confuse a slicer and (in this case) Cura couldn't figure out what to do so it ignored those spots.  I tried to fix the file with Mesh Mixer and with MS 3D Builder and both crashed during the repair.  After simplifying the model I tried again.  This report is from https://formware.co/OnlineStlRepair and it timed out (4 minute limit) trying to fix it.

-> Analyzed your file:
--> 222043 Naked edges (?)
--> 51 Planar holes (?)
--> 27084 Non-planar holes (?)
--> 4 Non-manifold edges (?)
--> 6 Inverted faces (?)
--> 0 Degenerate faces (?)
--> 8 Duplicate faces (?)
--> 0 Disjoint shells (?)
The model is extremely dense at 1500mm tall.  Scaling the model to 250 tall makes the mesh 4 times as dense.

So in my unprofessional opinion, that model be broke.  PrusaSlicer hated trying to slice it as well and the "The model won't be printable" message came up.

Here is the X-ray view in Cura.  Red areas indicate problems.



Here is the sliced view in PrusaSlicer.  Note how the missing layers line up with the red areas in the Cura view.



Another reason for an incomplete slice would be that the Line Width you have set won't fit into the area being sliced.  That may happen on the fingers of that model.  Think of printing a knife edge.  As it narrows - it's width approaches 0 and the nozzle won't fit.


Edited by GregValiant
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Posted · SOme parts of model disapear after slicing
18 hours ago, GregValiant said:

There are a couple of reasons for areas to come out like that.

Models with errors confuse a slicer and (in this case) Cura couldn't figure out what to do so it ignored those spots.  I tried to fix the file with Mesh Mixer and with MS 3D Builder and both crashed during the repair.  After simplifying the model I tried again.  This report is from https://formware.co/OnlineStlRepair and it timed out (4 minute limit) trying to fix it.

-> Analyzed your file:
--> 222043 Naked edges (?)
--> 51 Planar holes (?)
--> 27084 Non-planar holes (?)
--> 4 Non-manifold edges (?)
--> 6 Inverted faces (?)
--> 0 Degenerate faces (?)
--> 8 Duplicate faces (?)
--> 0 Disjoint shells (?)
The model is extremely dense at 1500mm tall.  Scaling the model to 250 tall makes the mesh 4 times as dense.

So in my unprofessional opinion, that model be broke.  PrusaSlicer hated trying to slice it as well and the "The model won't be printable" message came up.

Here is the X-ray view in Cura.  Red areas indicate problems.



Here is the sliced view in PrusaSlicer.  Note how the missing layers line up with the red areas in the Cura view.



Another reason for an incomplete slice would be that the Line Width you have set won't fit into the area being sliced.  That may happen on the fingers of that model.  Think of printing a knife edge.  As it narrows - it's width approaches 0 and the nozzle won't fit.


Is there any way to fix the model throught any software or anyting?

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    Posted · SOme parts of model disapear after slicing

    That's what I was trying to do.  There are a lot of holes.  The shoe laces themselves are a pain, something is going on with the beard, and eyes are in backwards or something.  The model has a lot of errors.

    I tried cutting it into pieces figuring I could repair the pieces and reassemble the model.  That didn't work either.


    Areas like the sides of the shoes don't have any mesh over them.  They are just holes into the interior which appears to be hollow.  Whatever software was used to create this didn't stitch it up everywhere.


    It kinda looks like somebody had a bunch of body parts laying around (Igor??) and glued them together but didn't do a proper "Union" operation.

    One problem I'm having is that Mesh Mixer and 3D Builder keep crashing when trying to deal with this and so two of my main tools won't work.  We're talking about a model that is very high resolution at 1500mm tall.  Scaling it down to fit on my Ender increases the density of the triangles by a factor of 6.  Couple that with the fact that the model has almost half a million errors and my little laptop just looked at me and said "You have got to be %$#@ing me!".


    While I was typing all of that I was working on the model. I simplified it another step and decided to give IdeaMaker a try.  I don't like to do peoples homework for them but in this case I'll give you the model cuz it's a complete pain in the butt.


    If you can get the beard to print you'll get the Rudyard Kipling "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din" award.



    Ideamaker Real Simple_Untitledav1-export.stl

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    Posted · SOme parts of model disapear after slicing
    18 hours ago, GregValiant said:

    That's what I was trying to do.  There are a lot of holes.  The shoe laces themselves are a pain, something is going on with the beard, and eyes are in backwards or something.  The model has a lot of errors.

    I tried cutting it into pieces figuring I could repair the pieces and reassemble the model.  That didn't work either.


    Areas like the sides of the shoes don't have any mesh over them.  They are just holes into the interior which appears to be hollow.  Whatever software was used to create this didn't stitch it up everywhere.


    It kinda looks like somebody had a bunch of body parts laying around (Igor??) and glued them together but didn't do a proper "Union" operation.

    One problem I'm having is that Mesh Mixer and 3D Builder keep crashing when trying to deal with this and so two of my main tools won't work.  We're talking about a model that is very high resolution at 1500mm tall.  Scaling it down to fit on my Ender increases the density of the triangles by a factor of 6.  Couple that with the fact that the model has almost half a million errors and my little laptop just looked at me and said "You have got to be %$#@ing me!".


    While I was typing all of that I was working on the model. I simplified it another step and decided to give IdeaMaker a try.  I don't like to do peoples homework for them but in this case I'll give you the model cuz it's a complete pain in the butt.


    If you can get the beard to print you'll get the Rudyard Kipling "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din" award.



    Ideamaker Real Simple_Untitledav1-export.stl 18.67 MB · 0 downloads

    Thanks, i didn't make the model, i order it on fiver and i complained a few days ago and he said i had to pay more fot him to have a look so definitelly not paying more.

    Do you think that by converting it to solid on Fusion 360 and exporting it will fix it?

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    Posted · SOme parts of model disapear after slicing

    The one I posted is fixed (so far as I can tell).  I had to simplify it twice to get the resolution down to something sane and then IdeaMaker was able to fix it.  The other utilities I use still didn't like it.  The beard won't print though.  It looks like it's just stuck onto the model rather than being part of it.

    I'm seeing a new trend to make models as high a resolution as possible.  The slicers really struggle trying to cut through so many triangles/layer and if/when they finish slicing - there is no way that the printer can control the molten plastic enough to provide that sort of resolution.

    Try that "IdeaMaker Real Simple..." model and see how the slice looks.

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    Posted (edited) · SOme parts of model disapear after slicing

    am having a similar issue when trying to print this file.. 



    After it's sliced it looks like this.. Any idea? Thanks.. Tried the online repair and even they can't fix.. Normally when stil files go bonkers I usually delete and move on but this is a cool print and thought I'd give it a go.. 


    Cura 5.7.0

    MacBook Pro Running 14.4.1 

    Screenshot 2024-05-11 at 10.35.01 PM.png

    Edited by flight-commander
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    Posted · SOme parts of model disapear after slicing
    7 minutes ago, flight-commander said:

    am having a similar issue when trying to print this file.. 



    After it's sliced it looks like this.. Any idea? Thanks.. Tried the online repair and even they can't fix.. Normally when stil files go bonkers I usually delete and move on but this is a cool print and thought I'd give it a go.. 

    Any chance you could upload the STL so I don't have to sign up to download it? Copyright not a problem since you're allowed to share it as long as you attribute the creator.

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    Posted · SOme parts of model disapear after slicing

    Sure no problem - lol.... can only attribute those who help provide a solution. A lot of stl files on there seem to only work for the folks who create them. Then when they go to share those stl files with the rest of the world only a few are able to print them.. lol... 

    space-explorer-savage-planet20200321-16617-11bl78u (2).zip

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    Posted · SOme parts of model disapear after slicing

    Yeah I get the same problem as you. It's actually sort of funny in that it's often hard to tell much of anything in X-Ray mode but this one is blatantly obvious:



    That thing has fewer faces pointed outwards than a meeting of Introverts Anonymous. It's giving my usual repair tools a bit of a challenge so I'll see what I can do and be back later.

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    Posted · SOme parts of model disapear after slicing

    Here you go:


    (n.b. You may want to add supports. I'm just in preview mode without them to show it slices successfully.)


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    Posted · SOme parts of model disapear after slicing

    Wow! You're amazing.. Will send this to the printer and let you know how it goes.. Really appreciate the fixed file.. But was wondering what the solution was, what sort of tools does one need to fix this sort of problem should it happen again, especially since the ones online didn't work either... 6 hours to gooooo


    Thanks a bunch..  

    Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 12.46.40 AM.png

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    Posted · SOme parts of model disapear after slicing
    1 hour ago, flight-commander said:

    But was wondering what the solution was, what sort of tools does one need to fix this sort of problem should it happen again,

    In this case I just needed Microsoft's surprisingly good 3D Builder app (included in Windows 10, can download it from Microsoft store in Windows 11).

    And all Microsoft's surprisingly good 3D builder app needed was a couple of hours of processing time to fix it (average fix time: < 1 minute). Good thing I just upgraded my CPU 😄. Doesn't always work so I do have a bigger toolbox (all free!), but they can get a lot more involved:

    Meshmixer: is actually pretty old by today's standards, but it's good for analysing models and doing some specific kinds of fixes rather than having just a "your model is invalid, click to fix it" notification like 3D builder does. Made by Autodesk, which means it's surprising that it's free... although the website does point you towards their other software before you get a download link.

    Meshlab: For working with STL files, this is the Swiss army knife that a Swiss army knife would use. So many options for working with models that you won't know what at least half of them are. But if you know (or can figure out) which fixes your model needs, they're in this. Free and open source. One warning though: it has no undo button. So remember what stuff you do that works because if something messes it up you'll probably have to do it again 🙂 

    FreeCAD: As a CAD program, this is not at all what it's designed for. But hey, you can load a mesh and manipulate it instead of just running filters on it like the other two, so if a part needs to be moved... Free and open source. Main warning is that the learning curve looks like this: _| ̅ 
    (@jaysenodell will probably say FreeCAD isn't that bad. He says a lot of things. Statistically, nobody is correct all the time.)

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    Posted · SOme parts of model disapear after slicing

    Hey now! I never said it was as easy as falling down and skinning your knee, I said I find it easier than other things. OpenSCAD hurts my feelings in a way that nearly rivals that of my wife’s ability to make me cry! 

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    Posted (edited) · SOme parts of model disapear after slicing

    When I look at the source file again on https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/art/space-explorer-savage-planet, apparently who ever created it has not even printed it.. " The scale is at 10cm, which should make it easy for anyone to adjust to the size they need. I haven't printed it."


    Will try again . it's printing now.. Should be ready tomorrow.. Video is private, only those with the link can see it.. 





    Edited by flight-commander
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    Posted · SOme parts of model disapear after slicing
    7 hours ago, jaysenodell said:

    OpenSCAD hurts my feelings in a way that nearly rivals that of my wife’s ability to make me cry!

    People fear what they do not know.

    I do not know what is probably 15 workbenches by default with completely different workflows for each one.

    I do know something which uses an extremely basic C-style syntax and whose entire functionality fits in this cheat sheet:

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    Posted · SOme parts of model disapear after slicing

    I wouldn’t call it fear as much as difficultly with the spacial relationships when I have to express those relationships strictly as math. I’m just not able to make it work. Yet. 

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    Posted · SOme parts of model disapear after slicing

    Almost done.. Fingers crossed. 

    Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 10.11.15 PM.png

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    Posted · SOme parts of model disapear after slicing
    1 hour ago, flight-commander said:

    Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 10.11.15 PM.png

    The fact that that looks like a butter sculpture of New York City which is melting is what makes me happy I use trees almost all of the time.

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    Posted · SOme parts of model disapear after slicing

    I can't believe it's not butter - yeah trees would have been amazing.. The first version with trees was not successful so had to use the last resort. 


    Any suggestions on what one can do to the settings with tree supports so it prints like it  had supports everywhere?


    Shortened the video to 7 minutes, will load the original one when I get back next week.. Took almost an hour to remove all the supports.


    Apparently there a big market for  (ASMR support sounds), am sure the longer version will be enjoyed too..


    Thanks a bunch... 



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    Posted · SOme parts of model disapear after slicing

    What do you mean, like it had supports everywhere? The exact same parts of the model are considered to need support whether it's regular support or trees, the main difference is that trees don't just go straight up to do it.

    Here's the trees we get using the default settings on the standard quality Creality profile preset:


    Firstly, one tree setting which is really important but only a fraction of a percent of people ever change and yes I have seen the numbers: change Rest Preference from On model when required to On buildplate when possible:


    Okay, this model isn't the best example. But it means fewer points where the trees will contact your model (and therefore need cleaning up) because it will use more trees rather than have trees climb up your model. It will also mean that it will try and avoid planting trees on your model. In this spaceman yes there is one growing from the middle of the base but that's only because any tree from the build plate couldn't get in that far at the angle they're allowed to go.


    Here's a better demonstration of that using one of my test models. We're interested in the bit on the left where the bit sticks out from the middle and goes towards the back. On model if required:


    On buildplate when possible:


    As you can see it's making trees grow in from the side rather than plating them on the model. More tree yes, not having to clean up bottom interface, 😆


    Anyway, back to the spaceman. The main setting to change if you want more parts supported is the same as regular support, Support Overhang Angle. The lower it is, the more support you get. The default is 45°. Here's 35°:



    Some other settings worth considering are:

    Minimum Height To Model: This prevents branches going into places where they'll end as tiny blobs. If you lower it, more finer details will be supported at the expensive of the tree being a bit hard to remove from within that small area.

    Branch Density: You probably shouldn't have to increase this. But if you do, it's exactly what it says on the box: more, stronger branches.


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    Posted · SOme parts of model disapear after slicing

    Defiantly love the supports being showcased here.. Wish my supports were like this.. The ones I chose were this one. 

    Will try the ones above.. Looks better in grey.. By default the branches on the previous grey were pretty strong.. 


    Thanks.. Will let ya know how it goes.. 


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    Posted · SOme parts of model disapear after slicing

    Thanks a bunch.. this was really helpful.. Hopefully won't ever need to use those other supports which are a nightmare to remove, literally a nightmare.. These tree supports were tricky but took a fraction of the time.. You're amazing! 



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    Posted · SOme parts of model disapear after slicing
    1 hour ago, flight-commander said:

    You're amazing!

    I know, but people don't believe it as much when I say it 😄 

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