GregValiant 1,454
That's what I was trying to do. There are a lot of holes. The shoe laces themselves are a pain, something is going on with the beard, and eyes are in backwards or something. The model has a lot of errors.
I tried cutting it into pieces figuring I could repair the pieces and reassemble the model. That didn't work either.
Areas like the sides of the shoes don't have any mesh over them. They are just holes into the interior which appears to be hollow. Whatever software was used to create this didn't stitch it up everywhere.
It kinda looks like somebody had a bunch of body parts laying around (Igor??) and glued them together but didn't do a proper "Union" operation.
One problem I'm having is that Mesh Mixer and 3D Builder keep crashing when trying to deal with this and so two of my main tools won't work. We're talking about a model that is very high resolution at 1500mm tall. Scaling it down to fit on my Ender increases the density of the triangles by a factor of 6. Couple that with the fact that the model has almost half a million errors and my little laptop just looked at me and said "You have got to be %$#@ing me!".
While I was typing all of that I was working on the model. I simplified it another step and decided to give IdeaMaker a try. I don't like to do peoples homework for them but in this case I'll give you the model cuz it's a complete pain in the butt.
If you can get the beard to print you'll get the Rudyard Kipling "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din" award.
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GregValiant 1,454
There are a couple of reasons for areas to come out like that.
Models with errors confuse a slicer and (in this case) Cura couldn't figure out what to do so it ignored those spots. I tried to fix the file with Mesh Mixer and with MS 3D Builder and both crashed during the repair. After simplifying the model I tried again. This report is from and it timed out (4 minute limit) trying to fix it.
-> Analyzed your file:
--> 222043 Naked edges (?)
--> 51 Planar holes (?)
--> 27084 Non-planar holes (?)
--> 4 Non-manifold edges (?)
--> 6 Inverted faces (?)
--> 0 Degenerate faces (?)
--> 8 Duplicate faces (?)
--> 0 Disjoint shells (?)
The model is extremely dense at 1500mm tall. Scaling the model to 250 tall makes the mesh 4 times as dense.
So in my unprofessional opinion, that model be broke. PrusaSlicer hated trying to slice it as well and the "The model won't be printable" message came up.
Here is the X-ray view in Cura. Red areas indicate problems.
Here is the sliced view in PrusaSlicer. Note how the missing layers line up with the red areas in the Cura view.
Another reason for an incomplete slice would be that the Line Width you have set won't fit into the area being sliced. That may happen on the fingers of that model. Think of printing a knife edge. As it narrows - it's width approaches 0 and the nozzle won't fit.
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CubeBox391 0
Is there any way to fix the model throught any software or anyting?
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