Where do you plan to get your limit switches from?
I have ordered two times from: http://robotdigg.com/
Robotdigg is good place to get parts for ultimaker.
One helpful place is also to check one of our forum member list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Asw52Abkg8IIdEF6d0lBZ2poOC0xU3VPTXM4TlVGRkE&usp=sharing#gid=0
I had a decent amount of luck using AliExpress to source some of the parts, like the lead screw and bearings.
Just make sure the seller has a decent feedback rating.
Thanks everyone...
Here is one option in europe: http://www.planet-cnc.com/index.php?page=shop&shop=parts
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callum-burns 0
I am working on one just now. I can post it if that's ok with the mods. It's probably not perfect and it has parts that I have changed. But the general idea is there.
DFRobot have a lot of the stuff, Ultimaker themselves, eBay, World of CNC (uk) for lead screws and smooth rod. That's some of the places I am goon to use or have used.
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