Indeed, contact support.
But "Pololu A4983 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier" are drop-in replacements. Depending on where you live sourcing those yourself might be faster.
Indeed, contact support.
But "Pololu A4983 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier" are drop-in replacements. Depending on where you live sourcing those yourself might be faster.
I'm from Holland, looking right now for a dealer in the neighborhood. So replacing the step driver with the Pololu A4983 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier doesn't make any difference to the ultimaker? Why did they replace it for the usd1.0 then? Just wondering .
When they started the Ultimaker, the A4983 based Pololu was not available yet. (only the A4988 was available)
In the amounts they are producing, it might be cheaper to produce yourself instead of buy. (not sure)
The Pololu's don't have heatsinks. But they are not really needed.
Cheapest I could find near the Netherlands are: ... er-Carrier
and NL based shop almost doubles the price. (I was looking for these for another project)
But if you got broken parts, contact UM support first. Most likely they'll replace the broken parts for free.
I contacted ultimaker and they're on it right now. Thanks for the help. I will post the complete problem with a photo in a new post because i've got some specific questions about some things. I would love to hear you're ideas and suggestions about it.
Hello all,
For information:
I had a look at the Pololu web site. It seems that the "A4983 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier" has been discontinued. The recommanded replacement is now the "A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier".
It seems everyone here has a preference for tht A4983 based board. Why this?
The A4988 seems to have extra short circuit and over current protection.
The A4988 are preferred, but the A4983 are easier to get (and cheaper sometimes). The main difference between the A4983 and A4988 is that the A4983 will catch fire if you mistreat it, while the A4988 shuts off.
Sorry to bump such an old thread but it does seem to follow.
One of my original A4983 drivers packed up and I have been trying to replace it with a A4988. It is simply the driver at fault and all the other electonics is fine. This can be demonstrated by putting another original driver in the slot of the failed one.
The problem is when I put a new A4988 the motor it powers the motor but just makes a lot of noise and doesn't move it. I presume this is the driver shutting down and starting up many times a second due to a "fault" that the original drivers tolerated.
Has anyone else tried using the A4988 on an original Ultimaker?
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mr_seeker 0
Try contacting support. They can send you replacement parts.
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