Oh, another common problem is that shipping really sucks and a lot of these printers show up at the customer where the frame is a parallelogram instead of squared off. If you look down from the top sometimes you can see that things are crooked. This makes it so that when you print circles or cylinders they come out as an ellipse in the diagonal direction.
The best fix is to loosen all the frame screws, square it up and retighten. Or just ask a friendly elephant to push the farther edges together just a bit.
You (and we) really need to know what dimensions you are talking about and which of the many possible causes the problem is caused by.
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gr5 2,295
This is tricky to answer. In my experience the obvious thing to calibrate is the x,y, and Z "steps/mm" value which in my experience is spot on for these printers. More likely (I think? not certain) the error would be where the hole drilled through one or more pulleys is off center such that, for example, the x axis might print too large/long for half a rotation (about 3cm) and then print too short for the other half. Such that if you printed a 1cm cube it might be fine in the center but too large if placed 1cm to the right or too small if 1cm to the left.
I guess you first need to explain exactly which dimensions are a problem.
Is it vertical holes? As that is a different issue.
I also guess I would print a pattern right on the glass with maybe 5mm spacing (or do imperial units if you don't have any good metric measuring devices). Then check them all to see if some are too small and some too large and if so try to get a better set of pulleys. If they are consistently large or small then it's pretty easy to fix with the steps/mm parameter but I think you can't edit that in the default Ultimaker firmware and instead you would want to get the tinkerGnome version of Marlin also known as tinkerMarlin (search this forum for that so you can download and install).
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