GregValiant 1,455
Consider, when the piece is horizontal then that depression in the center area is a shallow hole, but the depressed area on the end is not a hole because there is no end wall at the very end of the part. Water would spill out.
When it is vertical that center feature does not have a wall to the right and so water would spill out. In that vertical orientation neither feature qualifies as a hole and so they didn't get filled.
Annoying, but expected behavior rather than a bug.
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GregValiant 1,455
Make sure you have "Remove all Holes" and "Make Overhangs Printable" turned off. It looks like Remove All Holes is the culprit, but I'm far away.
In Cura 5.2.1 Remove all Holes gets enabled when you use Spiralize. If it is linked it will un-enable when Spiralize is turned off, but if the link isn't there then Remove All Holes will persist after Spiralize is turned off.
If that isn't it then use the "File | Save Project" command and post the resulting 3mf file here.
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Ltek 0
@GregValiant thank you, the answer = "Remove all Holes" was enabled (I did not have 'Make Overhangs Printable' enabled)
Still, its a bug. Given... the same STL works proper in one orientation but not the other... I call that a bug having worked in SW most of my life. And that large debossed area is not a hole, by any definition of the word.
I submitted a bug in Git.
I appreciate the help!
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