I will send photos but it is transparent so it will not show the exact problem.. but let me print a button and share the photo
GregValiant 1,342
With the model loaded in Cura and Cura ready to slice use the "File | Save Project" command and post the 3mf file here. The file will include your printer, all your settings, and the model. It's the best to trouble shoot with.
- 1
Thank you for your help!
- Solution
GregValiant 1,342
When you have single wall letters and they are closely spaced then stringing is a real problem.
I've altered some settings (max comb distance with no retraction, retraction minimum travel, acceleration, line width) and so there will be retractions between each letter. That also means there will be primes and any prime can leave a little blob. I didn't print this but it should be closer than where you were.
The speed will drop to around 10mm/sec as you bounce off "Minimum Layer Time" but I thought lowering the accel to 500 would be smoother and (hopefully) result in crisper letters.
I also changed the support interface to 50% "grid" as it should be easier to pry out than the 100% concentric was.
For a 6 minute print that's a tough little bugger.
thank you very much! I will try it right now!!
so do I need to just download the file in your comment and open it as a project and its ready tto print? Or do I need to change the settings that you are describing?
GregValiant 1,342
That is with the settings changed. Just slice and print. Pay close attention to the preview though. You know your printer and I don't.
Don't be so sure about it haha😅. I have never understood clearly the anycubic chiron... But at least I now have a better reference. Thanks again!
Edited by AlmargGregValiant 1,342
All in all I'd consider printing that with a .3 nozzle.
I also read that is better with higher layer height but I am afraid about the resolution of the thinner letters but I will try it now also. By the way I have already printed 2 buttons the look great! Thank you again! You saved me a lot of time or even days..
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GregValiant 1,342
A picture is worth a thousand words. A project file is worth a thousand pictures.
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