GregValiant 1,344
There is always a Zseam as the nozzle must start the outer wall someplace. Settings like "Outer Wall Wipe Distance" can make it less. I have found that disabling "Retract before outer wall" can help because with no retraction there is no "prime".
Coasting can help, but it also has drawbacks as extrusions after coasting can start out under-extruded. Printing with the wall order "Inside to Outside" is better.
Round parts are the toughest because there aren't really any corners to hide the Zseam in. You can make it "random" but then there are zits all over instead of lined up nicely where they are easier to sand off.
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Dadkitess 19
You can try using the coasting parameters in the experimental settings. Try the default value first 😉
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