Thanks for your response Dustin. Printing over USB is just so convenient, without the hassle of moving SD cards from PC to printer, so much so that I wouldn't like to print any other way. Every version of Cura that I have used previously has been able to print via USB that it's strange that from v5.3 it can't.
I recall seeing something somewhere regarding a solution to this, will look for it but thought that this would be the best place to ask.
I have v5.2, v5.3 and v5.4 installed and v5.2 works perfectly but the newer versions don't (all on same Win11 PC), which is just odd.
- Solution
OK, I have solved my problem. I replaced the following files in the image below
C:\Program Files\UltiMaker Cura 5.4.0\share\cura\plugins\USBPrinting
with those from v5.2 and now USB printing in v5.4 works perfectly.
From this post referring to changing certain lines in "". I recall having this problem before and this must have been the solution.
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Dustin 178
There should not have been anything that changed in UltiMaker Cura that would cause this.
However it is possible that you had a operating system update that is causing it.
UltiMaker does not recommend printing over USB for any reason due to this issue.
USB printing is a legacy feature in UltiMaker Cura that is mostly "just there" because it use to be needed early on.
Printing over USB is not at all recommended as there is too many variables outside of UltiMaker Cura's control that can result in the issues you are having.
The fact it was working mostly fine for you as it was, I would consider a roll of chance that you got lucky.
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