Hey @Gero,
I tried to reproduce your bug, but I'm not able to:
The Brim Speed matches those of my first extruder, not of my second one.
Do you have a project file for us? It contains the printer and settings we need for troubleshooting.
To save a project file go to File -> Save project.
Hey @dterry77,
Did you select an UltiMaker printer with UltiMaker PLA? The speed improvements will not show up when you select a generic version of the material you are printing with, because that can be any type of material brand and our experts can't guarantee that the changes work for those combinations. Also, if speed is what you are looking for, make sure you select the draft intent. You can learn more about our intent profiles here.
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dterry77 0
Funny thing - this actually made my S5, literally, 105% slower. It took a 22 minute build from the previous version and made it 48 minutes. I ran them side by side and with all materials it slowed my S5 to a crawl. Am I missing something here?
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