Thanks for the quick reply daid, re the used settings i would not want them in the gcode, but in the text file which is generated along with the gcode. Even if it
just exported the raw data i guess you could work out quickly what the temp, fill etc was ?.
I will try and skip the wizard and edit in the preferences once my current print has finished.
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Daid 306
If you're not using the supplied firmware then the wizard doesn't work in the next steps. But that's no huge problem, you can configure the "steps_per_e" in the preferences. The 100mm value adjusts the steps_per_e, so with the right steps_per_e you should be on exactly 100mm extrusion.
Adding the used settings to the final GCode is possible. But internally the settings have slightly different names then shown on the GUI. I could also save the profile as an ini file next to the gcode and log file. Not sure what is wise... I rather not clutter the GCode too much.
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