This also could be related to the new Arachne engine in 5.x
The issue is in 4.13 not 5.5.
4.13 doesn't add an internal wall.
5.5 slices as you would expect.
I did manage to get 4.13 to slice with an internal wall, but that was with infill, not with a wall setting of 3.
There are two different shell thicknesses, 1mm and 1.2mm.
Cura 4.13 = C4.13
Cura 5.5 = C5.5
V350_C4.13__Blower-02_v1_1mmShell.3mf V350_C5.5_Blower-02_v1.2_1.2mmShell.3mf V350_C5.5_Blower-02_v1_1mmShell.3mf V350_C4.13__Blower-02_v1_1.2mmShell.3mf
Edited by lahbengtssonForgot Files
GregValiant 1,351
The 4.13.1 setting "Fill Gaps Between Walls" became obsolete with the variable line width feature of 5.X. If you set it to "Everywhere" in 4.13.1 you should get the fill. It will be yellow as it is "skin" rather than "infill".
- 1
Im using Cura 4.13 as my main slicer, Im using Cura 5.5 as comparison.
In this project I sliced both 1.0mm and 1.2mm shell. With 0 infill and fill gaps everywhere. In preview you can see that both models are missing the internal wall for the 19 layers.
It also happens on other models where there is a small.
I will move to Cura 5.5 in the future, but 5.5 is not as reliable as 4.13 yet on my printer, I'm trying to sort that out also.
I appreciate all your inputs!!!!
V350_C4.13__V350C4.13Blower-02v1_1mmShell and1.2mmShell.3mf V350_C4.13__Preset_Retract_Tower_-_Retract_Distance_1-6.3mf
@lahbengtsson Please see this article:
This is what were all referring to..
Cura 5.x - Includes an entirely rebuilt slicing engine.. things that Cura 5 does when it comes to shells are completely different than how they were handled in Cura 4.
GregValiant 1,351
My bad, I was missing what you were saying.
So the issues was always there in Cura 4, I just didn't notice it until I was designing my own parts in Fusion 360.
I will work on getting Cura 5 working on my printer.
Thank you all for all the help!!!
GregValiant 1,351
Geometries like that were what the Arachne engine is designed to fix.
For an example, if a wall was designed at (3 * Line Width) thick then it presented a problem. You could get an outer wall on both sides, but the inner walls (which also have to be on both sides) don't fit. So you get outer walls with a 1 X Line Width gap between them. That was the reason for "Fill gaps between outer walls". Now Cura will adjust it's line width and allow a situation where there can be an odd number of walls across the part.
This is in 5.6 @ 0.4 line width and Wall Count = 2.
The model on the left is 1.6mm wide so 2 walls fit on the left and 2 walls fit on the right.
The model on the right is 1.2mm wide. Can't get two on the left and two on the right. The Arachne effect is to add a single inner wall to fill the gap.
This is in 4.13.1 with the same setup with "Fill gaps between outer walls" turned off. The center model shows the gap because a left inner wall and a right inner wall won't fit. Going across the model, there must be an even number of walls.
The model on the far right has "Fill gaps between walls" turned on. Note that the gap is filled with yellow which is skin and not "inner-wall".
- 2
GregValiant 1,351
This model is a wedge 1.6mm wide at the base and tapers to a point at 75mm tall. The model on the left was sliced in 5.6.0 and 4.13.1 is on the right. "Print thin walls" was enabled for both slices.
Notice that on the 5.6 slice there are two "transitions" that will show up on the print, and the slice is 352 layers.
The 4.13.1 slice has no transitions and the slice is 369 layers.
Thank you all for helping me to solve and understand my issue.
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Slashee_the_Cow 429
Could you please upload a Cura project file (set it up ready to print, then go to File > Save Project) instead of just a 3mf file containing the model so we can see your settings?
The only difference I'm seeing between 4.1.3 and 5.6 is that 4.1.3 uses one wall:
Whereas 5.6 uses two:
It would also help if you could post the STL file of your model.
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