GregValiant 1,455
That shouldn't happen. It may be a misplaced layer. If there is a bad edge or flipped surface within the model (likely within the cutout) you could get something like that.
Have you tried running the model through a repair program like MS 3D Builder?
If you load the model, set Cura up to slice the way you want, and then use the "File | Save Project" command, you can post the 3mf project file and it will contain the printer, the model, and all your settings.
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Slashee_the_Cow 543
I'm putting good money on that being Top/Bottom > Bottom Layers. You could change it relative to Top/Bottom > Initial Bottom Layers (so bottom layers = initial bottom layers - cutout depth) but you shouldn't. It's there to make sure the design is strong, consistent and smooth.
Something everybody's gotta learn one way or another: if you try and beat the system to print it faster/using less filament, it will cost you more in the end with failed prints (or substandard prints). Pick your idiom. "Slow and steady wins the race" is the first one that comes to mind.
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