There is no error message comes up. The blue slicing bar in the bottom right corner just keeps moving back and forth.
There is no error message comes up. The blue slicing bar in the bottom right corner just keeps moving back and forth.
Do you have the "Create Thumbnail" post-processor enabled, or any plugins that generate thumbnails installed? One of the main things I'm noticing is an error when it's trying to render a thumbnail.
I do not have any Thumbnails enabled or plugins.
I have found a work a round in cura 5.6 to force cura 5.6 to slice my stl models. Which is a nuisance in cura 5.6. In cura 5.4 and earlier versions I do not have to do this.
I always have 2 printers set up in cura. I have an older Ender 3 printer and a newer ender 3 S1.
This is what I have to do: I start Cura 5.6 then select the STL file I want to print. Cura starts to slice the file and does not finish. I then have to select the other printer showing in the top tool bar. Cura 5.6 then slices the model in seconds. I then have to select the printer I want to print with and Cura 5.6 slices the model in seconds.
This is a lot of extra steps. I hope there is a fix for this bug.
Thanks Murray Cook
It looks to me that cura 5.6 does not keep the selected printer on the list as the default printer. It looks like you have to reselect the printer on the list every time you restart Cura 5.6.
Steps I find works for me:
1Start Cura 5.6
2 select the stl model Cura starts to slice the model. (slicing does not complete)
3 select the printer in the list that is not displayed as default. Cura slices the model in seconds.
4 reselect the printer I want to print with and Cura slices again in seconds. The sliced Gcode file is ready to print.
Cura 5.4 and earlier versions keeps the selected printer as default till you select another printer on the list then that one is default.
This maybe the bug causing my problem.
Thanks Murray Cook
Edited by MurrayCookCura 5.5 and 5.6 do remember the last selected printer to use as the default. It's in the (in Windows) %APPDATA%\cura\5.6\cura.cfg file, in the [cura] section, active_machine:
*/me loads Cura*
*/me switches to a different printer*
*/me reloads config file without even closing Cura*
*/me closes and reopens Cura*
Close Cura and make sure yours has the correct value (and if not, correct it to the name of a valid printer). It could also be worth trying deleting the printers in Cura and then adding them again in case it's getting mixed up somehow.
First of all I would like to thank you for your help with this problem.
Good news is I got Cura 5.6 to work properly for me at last. It was a long battle.
I deleted all my profiles from cura 5.6 and from Cura Backup Manager. I then removed all signs of Cura in my windows 11 computer. I even had to remove all cura files in the computer registry. I then reinstalled Cura 5.6 with new printer profiles, and new cura print profiles. All is working as it should now.
Again Thanks for your help!!!
Murray Cook
Murray Cook back again: I think I may of found what was causing my problem with Cura 5.6 not slicing my models.
In Cura 5.6 I clicked on preferences then configure Cura then put a check mark in the box for automatic slicing. as soon as I did that Cura 5.6 would not slice for me. If I remove that check mark Cura 5.6 slices for me okay.
It looks to me Cura 5.6 does not like automatic slicing activated.
I hope this info may help others.
I have occasionally found that something won't slice if I have automatic slicing turned on, but it will if I manually slice it, but for me that's the vast minority of cases. Most of the time it's the sort of case where if you just move your print 1mm on the build plate, then it slices fine (automatically).
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Slashee_the_Cow 541
Is there a specific error you're getting? Do any messages come up on screen?
If you could try and slice something, then go to Help > Show Configuration Folder and upload the cura.log file (you can just drag+drop it into the reply box here) that could help us try and figure out the problem too.
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