I don't mind the physical limitations. After all my print polygon assumes printing tall models. The head itself is of average size in my opinion. Especially that almost the entire hotend fan fits right under the stepper motor.
By helper blocks I mean the non-physical blocks e.g. support blockers. They should not affect the physical size of the printed model. They should shrink it if anything! And yes, I created them as support blockers first.
"In your second last picture (the one that shows the "unable to slice" error), your models are too close together. "
There may be some confusion with the stl because it has a pair of earings as one, so they are both printed as one model. To achieve "One At a Time" printing I blocked 1 earing in each pair. The part I underlined is my main gripe here.
Cura 5.6
I've attached the project from the OP, as well as another project I think I did pretty good with as far as packing goes. That said look at the actual printing order, what the hell! 🙂
cardboard_rivet_washer projekt 2.3mf Earring_Honeycomb_noSupports projekt.3mf
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Slashee_the_Cow 409
Could you provide the Cura project file (.3mf, in Cura go to File > Save Project)? That would make it a lot easier to investigate.
Also, some information like what Cura version you are running? And what do you mean by "helper blocks"? Did you import those as meshes before turning them into overlap modifiers? For basic shapes like that you should start with a support blocker and resize/move it as needed.
Edit: I just did a quick test with a mesh and while it does still have the outline for the print head, it isn't actually blocking anything preventing it from slicing:
In your second last picture (the one that shows the "unable to slice" error), your models are too close together.
Also, your printhead is set to be pretty damn big - 8cm x 7cm. That will block off a lot of space for each model, since it needs that much clearance in every direction.
Also (I need a thesaurus) a model won't be printed if the dark area immediately around it exceeds the bounds of the bed (the lighter area is fine).
Edited by Slashee_the_CowLink to post
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