Thanks so much for your detailed reply! The first few times I used tree supports I had brim turned on, and it of course put a brim around them too. Didn't realize that supports would otherwise only be able to have a brim on inside....seems less stable this way and sometimes you don't want to have to deal with a brim everywhere else when it seems like it should be fine without one.
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GregValiant 1,342
On the first layer you should see the support brims only on the inside of the tree trunks.
Here I have set the supports to everywhere, and brought in a cylindrical support block and set it to "Print as Normal Model" and it is 1 layer height thick. Support Floor is turned off and the Support Bottom distance is set to "0". The tree support grows from it as if it was an external brim. You can see that the other trunks have brims on their insides and that limits the brim size to the trunk diameter.
I think that's about all you can do though. Supports always have their brims on the inside.
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