7 hours ago, Donnelly_O said:@Slashee_the_Cow is there a specific video or forum you could reference to learn how to do this? I've looked around a little and am having trouble finding that is a good explanation of the process.
Not that I know of (I'm not really a fan of video tutorials in general, I'd rather something written I can go through at my own pace, though it's getting harder to avoid these days).
Do this at your own risk if you don't completely know what you're doing. If you put together a gcode file and want to see if it's valid post it and I'll look.
The really, really simplified version is:
- You slice it at multiple layer heights.
- Open the gcode file for the layer height you want to start with.
- In the gcode file, find the start of the layer that is after the layer at the height you want to change (don't go by layer number) - Cura leaves comments in gcode files which start with ";LAYER" so it's easy to find the start of layers.
- Delete that layer and the rest of the file after it.
- Open the gcode file for the next layer height and find the start of the layer at the correct height (which will be the layer after the change height). Copy that layer and the rest of the file and put it at the end of the first file.
- Go back to the gcode file for the next height and look for the first line before the layer you copied over which starts with G0 or G1 and has an E number. Copy the number after the E.
- Back in your main file, on a new line immediately before where you pasted from the next file, insert this command (obviously replace my placeholder with the right number) G92 E<number from other file>
- Repeat steps 3-7 for each file at a different layer height.
(I told you that you need to know what you're doing)
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Slashee_the_Cow 541
There's currently no way in Cura to do this.
You could slice it at multiple layer heights and splice the gcode files together by hand, but especially if you want multiple transitions, that gets to be a lot of a hassle, and you really need to know what you're doing when it comes to editing gcode.
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Donnelly_O 0
@Slashee_the_Cow is there a specific video or forum you could reference to learn how to do this? I've looked around a little and am having trouble finding that is a good explanation of the process.
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