Now you mention it, I do recall USB not being recommended quite a while ago.
I'm surprised (and disappointed) that this method of printing isn't the preferred one.
Until recently I've always used the USB option with NO issues whatsoever, with the convenience of simply sending the Cura file to the printer and being able to pre-heat build plate/extruder, jog position the extruder and cancel a print job if required. Much easier than using the printer's own display menu.
So am I correct in understanding that an stl file has to be loaded into a slicer, converted to a Gcode file and then copied to the printers SD card, then use the printer's own menu to print the model? (Or am I missing something?)
Incidentally, even with a printer connected I still find I cannot see the model on the build plate for several minutes (with the USB printing plugin removed, V5.0.0 upwards).
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Slashee_the_Cow 541
Printing over USB is deprecated and no longer supported. It's a relic from the days when printers were too stupid to even read a memory card and had to be hand fed instructions constantly.
Not only that, but there is a bug some people have experienced where loading a model takes aaaaaages after they first start up Cura - could this be what you're experiencing? It would only connect to the printer once you actually start printing. For these people disabling the USB printing plugin has fixed this (click Marketplace at the top right, click the cog icon at the right side of the top bar, scroll down until you see a built-in plugin called "USB Printing" and click Disable).
The latest version in the Tumbleweed repos is 4.13.1. Regardless, only the AppImage downloads provided by UltiMaker are supported.
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