win 11 / 3 extended . was working fine just stoped reading usb stick . this happen inbetween prints.
GregValiant 1,454
There can be problems with SD cards developing bad memory sectors. Formatting them will often bring them back. I don't know if the same can be done about the USB memory sticks. Not reading it at all could be the stick, or it could be the slot in the mainboard has failed. Have you tried other memory sticks?
If the printer has an SD card slot you can try using it and eliminate some possibilities regarding where the problem may be. If it prints from the card then the mainboard circuitry is likely OK. That would point to the USB Stick, or the USB slot.
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GregValiant 1,454
What printer? What operating system?
USB printing from Cura is a legacy feature for older printers that required it. It is unsupported and prone to fits of dumbness. Use the SD card.
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