I should have added that I am aware you can do Post Processing scripts but it seems it would be a useful addition to the interface, I think.
You're more than welcome to submit a feature request, but this is the sort of power user thing they probably don't want to clutter the interface with, and the script is already included, so I'm not sure how well it would go.
GregValiant 1,454
I could have added it as a plugin rather than a post processor, but it alters or obsoletes some of the Cura settings. People are used to those settings. In addition it would lose flexibility.
As a post-processor there can be multiple instances of the script running with different settings. You could start with "By Layer" and have the fan off until layer 20 when it would go on at 50%. Then at layer 50 a second instance of the script could be configured for "By Feature" and the fan speeds would be adjusted for skins, outer walls, inner walls, etc.
That would be difficult (maybe impossible) with a plugin, or as a fixed feature within Cura.
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Slashee_the_Cow 541
If you go to Extensions > Post Processing > Modify G-Code you can add a script called "Advanced Cooling Fan Control" which does exactly what you're looking for. If you need any help with it, ask @GregValiant
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