25 minutes ago, Jonas28 said:Hello, could someone please give me a tip? Or am I the first with the problem
You don't need to bump your post after less than 12 hours, you know. Time zones and whatnot.
It would be really helpful if you could share a Cura project file (.3mf, get it set up then go to File > Save Project) so we can see all of your print settings.
As well, information like what printer do you have, what sort of filament are you using, anything that might be able to help. A photo usually isn't much to go by.
The obvious answer is underextrusion in the extreme (which can have any number of causes) but that's usually more regular, not sporadic like this. Although being able to see the curves of each line also makes me think underextrusion; the filament is not filling out to create a smooth surface - usually I have to break out my macro lens to demonstrate that effect.
Could be a layer adherence problem too. Often the cause of that is printing at too low a temperature... but not always.
It's also possible it's something wrong with the printer - the extruder can't feed reliably or something.
So all the info you can provide (and a project file) can help us try and narrow down the cause of this 🙂
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Jonas28 1
Hello, could someone please give me a tip? Or am I the first with the problem
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