If you could post a project file (.3mf, get something set up and go to File > Save Project) and the output gcode file from that project it would really help, and if you could also slice it in 5.5 and include the gcode from that, even better. For a technical thing like this a description generally isn't enough to have any idea where to start. Also since I don't think Cura comes with a profile for the Snapmaker J1 if you added a custom definition you'll need to give us the files for that so we can open the project, or if you just took an existing printer and modified the settings, then it will be alright.
Installing the 5.8 beta (beta meaning "warning: bugs may be here") shouldn't affect the 5.5 installation at all - when a newer version of Cura is opened it makes a copy of the configuration folder from the most recent older version installed, upgrading the files if necessary in the process, but changes are never pushed backwards - once you first launch 5.8 and it's generated its configuration folder, the configuration for 5.5 and 5.8 are entirely separate.
The fact that it still happens if you go back to 5.5 suggests a setting on the printer may have been changed - I don't know Snapmaker printers in the slightest but the two main settings which might affect this would be the home offset (which you often don't have access to in the printer, you need to manually send it gcode) or the Z offset (which you almost always can change).
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