Thank you for the reply.
I ran a test with fluid motion disabled, resulting in no change (first attachment).
I then closed the project without saving, and reopened it to reset the changes from the last test. I set Max Comb Distance With No Retract from 0mm to 10mm, and the stringing vanished as expected (second attachment). Is doing this the same as setting combing to Off? or would disabling combing modify any other variables?
I'll use this to solve my issue for the printed parts I need, which is nice.
The travel deviations are still interesting though, and I'm down to run more tests if anyone has more ideas.
Regarding increasing the number of retracts during combing, is there any negative impact this may have on my direct-drive printer? I've seen people mention printer wear and tear, along with filament grinding when a Bowden-style printer has excessive retracts, but I don't know if there is any harm with my direct-drive printer.
Edited by Keishii
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Slashee_the_Cow 410
It does string across that path for a couple of layers:
But your photo looks like more than a couple of layers.
It looks like it's aiming directly towards the Z seam - but why it would try and take the direct route instead rather than comb I'm not sure. My only guess so far would be to try disabling Mesh Fixes > Enable Fluid Motion and see if that makes a difference. I don't know if you're printer has a motion planner; if it doesn't, this setting shouldn't be on, if it does, it could be trying a little too hard when it's plotting.
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