Thanks Slashee!
She is indeed correct, unfortunately UltiMaker does not offer direct support via the community.
But I will share this one here as its a common issue that should be able to be solved with out UltiMaker's Support Team.
If there is no code displayed on the screen this is 100% a network issue.
The article above outlines network requirements - DNS whitelists, port and protocol whitelists, etc.
These are 100% mandatory when working with Digital Factory or there will be issues.
From what I have seen.. the 2 most common issues are.. (Article covers more)
NTP port blocking (port 123) - This is to sync the time of the printer to a public time server. Without this being allowed the printer will have the wrong timestamp, thus is unable to talk to UltiMaker's platform.
DNS blocking/not assigned - Either the local network is blocking UltiMaker's domains - OR - the local dhcp server is not assigning a DNS server to the printer to use.
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Slashee_the_Cow 410
Hi there!
UltiMaker does not offer official support via the forums. Your best bet is to contact support directly.
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