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Difficulty slicing sharp edges

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Posted · Difficulty slicing sharp edges

I am attempting to slice a model that has a sharp edge across the top of the model (an airfoil for a plane), and am getting strange inconsistencies in the layer ends, resulting in a jagged, instead of smooth, edge. I have tried adjusting settings such as Wall Transition Length, Wall Distribution Count, and Wall Transitioning Threshold Angle, but to no success.

Here is a screenshot of the model:


And here is what the slice looks like:



Any help in what settings to look at to try to get a smoother slice would be greatly appreciated.


Using Cura 5.8.0

Model stl and project files attached


VTP.stl ASX1_VTP.3mf

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    • Solution
    Posted · Difficulty slicing sharp edges


    Not perfect, but better. This has the following changes, all in the Walls section:

    • Minimum Wall Line Width: 0.24mm (the general guideline for line width is 60-150% of your nozzle diameter so for your fairly standard 0.4mm nozzle, 0.24mm is the lowest you can reliably go)
    • Print Thin WallsTechnically this lowers the geometrical accuracy of something because it makes it prints things thinner than the minimum wall line width at the minimum wall line width. Practically, it's usually better to have a line than no line.
    • Wall Transitioning Threshold Angle: 59° (also known as "the highest you can put it before Cura will refuse to slice"). The wall transitions are what's really getting you here as it slowly narrows.
    • Wall Transitioning Filter Margin: 0.001mm - we're trying to get it to transition as much as damn possible here. Filtering out transitions is the last thing we need.
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    Posted · Difficulty slicing sharp edges

    Can we make this parameters generic ? Like, would it mess with anything, compared to the stock parameters ?


    I would maybe be more gentle on that minimum wall line width to take some margin, like 0.28mm for instance, but can I apply everything else as you stated and make it generic to allow for better situational improvement while not reducing the quality of overall basic prints ?



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    Posted · Difficulty slicing sharp edges
    1 hour ago, Dadkitess said:

    Can we make this parameters generic ? Like, would it mess with anything, compared to the stock parameters ?


    I would maybe be more gentle on that minimum wall line width to take some margin, like 0.28mm for instance, but can I apply everything else as you stated and make it generic to allow for better situational improvement while not reducing the quality of overall basic prints ?

    You can just save the changes as their own quality profile using the save icon in the top right of the settings. Only the settings you've changed will be part of the new profile, everything else will just be inherited from the profile you started with. Then you can just switch between a normal profile and the one you've saved.


    I have a whole bunch, for doing various different things. Different materials, different things I'm printing, some profiles I have inherit from other profiles I made but they just print slower, stuff like that.

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    Posted · Difficulty slicing sharp edges

    @Slashee_the_Cow thank you so much for the help. It does seem that Wall Transitioning Threshold Angle and Wall Transitioning Filter Margin were the settings holding me back. I had adjusted them previously, but not to the extent you suggested, so I wasn't seeing them fix my issue. With your suggested values it's much better.


    Interestingly, turning Print thin walls on still results in some weird overhangs for me (first picture), whereas turning it off results in a smoother edge (second picture), albeit with a very small top part of the model not slicing.



    For my use case, I think it'll be fine that the full edge of the model doesn't print, so going with Print thin walls turned off I think will work fine for me.

    Thanks again for the help.

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