If you could post a Cura project file (.3mf, get it set up then go to File > Save Project) that's a lot more help than pictures because we can see all the print settings (and play around with them for testing).
- Make sure Walls > Hole Horizontal Expansion is set to 0 (or any negative value, but the point is we don't want the holes).
- Try setting Infill > Infill Pattern to Concentric (usually the best pattern for 100% infill).
- Also check Infill > Infill Overlap Percentage - by default it's set to 30%, but if it's negative it will keep the infill away from the walls.
- See what happens if you turn on Mesh Fixes > Remove All Holes - often this will have unwanted side effects, but if it causes infill to be generated in those areas, then the problem is that there's enough of a hole somewhere that it's not considered an enclosed volume (and it won't generate infill in areas which aren't closed.
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UMFrankR 0
with infill line distance = 0,01 it wil not become better
interesting; overhang areas, do have it own infill, beeing separated from the middle infill (see right side of sceenshot)
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