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pls Help! 100% infill not happening in small eareas?

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Posted · pls Help! 100% infill not happening in small eareas?

hi , 

i had expected, when using 100% i will get a solid print model. But i recognize smaller areas will not be filled anyhow ? what setting could prevent this?

minimum infill eara is 0




thank you in advance




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    Posted · pls Help! 100% infill not happening in small eareas?

    with infill line distance = 0,01 it wil not become better

    interesting; overhang areas, do have it own infill, beeing separated from the middle infill (see right side of sceenshot)

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    Posted · pls Help! 100% infill not happening in small eareas?

    If you could post a Cura project file (.3mf, get it set up then go to File > Save Project) that's a lot more help than pictures because we can see all the print settings (and play around with them for testing).

    • Make sure Walls > Hole Horizontal Expansion is set to 0 (or any negative value, but the point is we don't want the holes).
    • Try setting Infill > Infill Pattern to Concentric (usually the best pattern for 100% infill).
    • Also check Infill > Infill Overlap Percentage - by default it's set to 30%, but if it's negative it will keep the infill away from the walls.
    • See what happens if you turn on Mesh Fixes > Remove All Holes - often this will have unwanted side effects, but if it causes infill to be generated in those areas, then the problem is that there's enough of a hole somewhere that it's not considered an enclosed volume (and it won't generate infill in areas which aren't closed.
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    Posted (edited) · pls Help! 100% infill not happening in small eareas?

    hi @Slashee_the_Cow,


    hi, of couse i will share a project file...


    i tried

    - hole horizontal expansion 0 or -0,5, -1 (i usual yhave +0,15)

    - in combnation with infill pattern concentric, but it doesn helped...


    where do i find this meshFixes, i only have contextmenue MeshTools> FixsimpleHoles?


    but i rcognozed this with all of my other models, so must be something with setting?


    Edited by UMFrankR
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    • Solution
    Posted · pls Help! 100% infill not happening in small eareas?

    I think the problem may be due to the small size of the area not being enough to generate any infill - if you set Quality > Line Width > Infill Line Width to something lower, you'll see it fill more of the area - but still not all of it.


    However the easy solution here is pretty much to cheat. Just set Top/Bottom > Top Layers to 500 and it'll fill the whole model with skin.



    49 minutes ago, UMFrankR said:

    where do i find this meshFixes, i only have contextmenue MeshTools> FixsimpleHoles?

    In the print quality settings. If you can't see something just put its name (not including the category) in the search box at the top of the panel. But you don't need to worry about that setting if you're filling it with skin.

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    Posted · pls Help! 100% infill not happening in small eareas?

    There have been a couple of bug reports regarding Cura's insistence on (what appears to be) disregarding the "Minimum Infill Area".  I don't know where the Cura team is on looking into it.

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    Posted · pls Help! 100% infill not happening in small eareas?
    5 minutes ago, GregValiant said:

    There have been a couple of bug reports regarding Cura's insistence on (what appears to be) disregarding the "Minimum Infill Area".  I don't know where the Cura team is on looking into it.

    That shouldn't apply here (although that could be the bug) since if the minimum infill area is set to 0, that setting is basically ignored and it generates infill in any enclosed area.

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    Posted · pls Help! 100% infill not happening in small eareas?

    thanx @Slashee_the_Cow,

    some of your advises had probably solved my problem 😁

    - infill LineWidth 0,4=>0,35 helped (but I can't estimate 

    - Top/Bottom exceeds max layer size...


    - meshfixes does´nt work (but there might be no existing open mesh to fix?)
    honestly i never had recognized that Mesh settings until today, thanx for pointing me to that...


    That shouldn't apply here (although that could be the bug) since if the minimum infill area is set to 0, that setting is basically ignored and it generates infill in any enclosed area.


    i have same question as @GregValiant : my infill area is set=0, so why isn´t it filled? you assume a open mesh or what, without that it should work?

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    Posted (edited) · pls Help! 100% infill not happening in small eareas?

    i found another solution, what is quite weird?

    i created two new test bodies.

    with infill 15%, and InfillLinedistance=0,2 i can fill more or less all small areas

    with infill100% it is not possible to fill small gaps, even with same infill line distance?




    i recognized by setting density to 100% => InfillOverlap is adapted to 0

    setting density to 15% InfillOverlap is adjusted to 0.0525..


    setting InfillOverlap manually to 0,052 (cant set the fourth digit manually?) the gaps fill be filled too when density is 100%...


    so i wonder what InfillDensity really is? does it only controll other parameters as LineDistance and Overlap, what can be cheated whatever densitity is set?



    Edited by UMFrankR
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    Posted (edited) · pls Help! 100% infill not happening in small eareas?

    another weird thing..


    as i initially want to have partly 100% infill, i had created an new body wirth "support blocker", adapted with the "modify Settings for overlap" with same "solid" infill parameters.


    with "infill mesh only" it more or less does the right thing... but...




    underneath the the partly body, no infill in primary model is created anymore?


    in overlapp area, the 100% infill,m as expected


    above partly overlap body, the primary infill15% is uses as expected...




    by use of "cutting mesh option"
    infill works perfectly on all levels... (below and above 15%, overlapp 100%), but i get new walls created. what could lead to optical issues for finished prints?


    Edited by UMFrankR
    added 3mf file
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    Posted · pls Help! 100% infill not happening in small eareas?
    7 hours ago, UMFrankR said:

    by use of "cutting mesh option"

    infill works perfectly on all levels... (below and above 15%, overlapp 100%), but i get new walls created. what could lead to optical issues for finished prints?

    A cutting mesh basically makes Cura treat anything inside it as a separate object when slicing, including generating its own walls and skin.

    The main problem is that it'll print it independently of the rest of the layer:


    This will give you extra Z seams (the white start/stop points):

    With cutting mesh:


    Without cutting mesh:



    8 hours ago, UMFrankR said:

    with infill 15%, and InfillLinedistance=0,2 i can fill more or less all small areas

    with infill100% it is not possible to fill small gaps, even with same infill line distance?


    This is a bad idea. If your infill line distance is significantly lower than your infill line width, it's going to try printing lines with the nozzle partially over the previous line. At best, you'll get some pretty serious overextrusion, and the excess infill could push the walls out. If you set it to print infill before walls, then it'll likely ooze infill over where the walls will be printed, which is going to obvious once the wall prints.


    I think you're worrying too much about what is an somewhat of an edge case (no pun intended) here: Forcing infill in areas where there isn't enough room for a normal infill structure to be generated.

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    Posted · pls Help! 100% infill not happening in small eareas?

    hi @Slashee_the_Cow,


    ok, you are right this would be a bad idea i had not thought about...


    the reason why i so interested in 100% infills, is to have areas beeing 100% solid for drilling or widening holes AFTER print, for technical models i have to manage by assembling, to avoid redesigning and reprinting (when i know before, in that area will be a hole needed).... ... drilling a hole in a printed model, without beeing solid in that area will lead into instable hole and hollow areas... so i tried to create 100% infills...


    so i don´t understand why therere should be areas, with "not enough space" or printing an infiill, especially when printing a 100% infill?


    but you give me many tips how to solve, thanx.


    what worked for me:

    - create a new body with "support blocker (F)"

    - move , rotate and scale new body to desired area

    - "per models settings>modify settings for overlaps>addition body TopLayers 500 (or more then count of model layers...)

    - normal model infill 15%


    perfect result thanx! 😁

     ps: infill100% wont´t work with that overlaps modle in small areas... but cheeting with top layers does!


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