Many thx for the hints!
My printer #1:
This printer was a Geeetech I3 Pro Crystal in its first life, but has since been massively modified, as you can easily see.
The Z-axes are each driven by a stepper with its own driver, and are also coupled at the top via a toothed belt.
The bushings are anti-backslash nylon bushings, with additional support blocks (orange) on both sides, which make the whole thing practically completely free of lack and largely prevent the X-axis from nodding.
The entire extruder block is a home-made construction made from a geared dual extruder, which directly feeds a Mosquito clone (all metal), which is equipped with a 70W heating cartridge.
On the subject:
I cannot use a housing. I tried that once, but since all the electronics are also in the housing, it all gets far too hot.
I would actually like to rule out poor or uneven extrusion because of the dual extruder.
My layer height is currently set to 0.1, the layer thickness and the rest to 0.2.
And yes, I print fine and small parts with a 0.2 nozzle, which has always worked without problems so far. I also tried a 0.1mm nozzle, but that only causes problems. 0.15 just about works, but 0.2 doesn't really cause any issues. I use nozzles of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0, depending on what I need.
At the moment I'm trying 30mm/s and the fan at minimum (5%). I can't turn it off completely, otherwise the radiant heat will melt the fan mounts. I'd have to unscrew them first...
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gr5 2,224
First I would try turning off the fan and also maybe try to enclose the print volume if that isn't too difficult.
Breaking along layer lines is sometimes due to a layer of bad extrusion but can also be an adhesion issue when the new fresh layer being put down form the nozzle is not melting the layer below.
A different possible problem may be that your layer heights are too thin for your accuracy of your z screw and some layers may have moved too far so you may be severly undrextruding on those layers. Doing thicker layer heights might help. I like to keep the layer height similar to the nozzle size so I wouldn't go any thinner than 0.1mm layer height with a 0.2mm nozzle although I might even go with .15 layer height if my z axis isn't moving consistently. Sometimes cleaning the Z screws helps to get more consistent Z movement.
What kind of printer are you using? Is it really a 0.2mm nozzle? That's unusually small but I've printed with 0.25 before.
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