It's the Ender 3 Pro and using the Creality auto level. I saw a setting for "origin at center" since there is where the origin is when using the auto level device. It made the print even worse.
I have attached the file requested.
Thanks for responding
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GregValiant 1,342
Cura is accurate to 3 decimal places. If the numbers in the Cura machine settings are off or if they don't actually match the printer, then the accuracy never comes into play.
Use the "File | Save Project" command and post the 3mf file here. Also add the physical size of the build surface of the printer (edge to edge left-right and front-back). You didn't mention what printer we're talking about. That would be good to know.
Creality definitions usually provide a 7.5mm safety margin around the periphery of the build plate. Mine measures 235 x 235 but the definition file places it at 220 x 220 useable area.
The 0,0,0 used to locate the print on the printer bed is the "Home Offset" position so that needs to be defined correctly in the printer.
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