Hi there,
Thanks for the suggestion. I tried a few different settings below, exaggerated to highlight their effects.
It's easy enough to make those first few lines larger - potentially large enough to give them sufficient bed adhesion, but you can't make them small enough to dissappear.
I realise now why the bed adhesion is a problem with these small lines - The slicer is extruding less than the line width to create a thinner line - effectively stretching the extruded plastic. This requires more adhesion between the extruded plastic and the bed/part, which is not available at this early stage.
I've also attached a copy of the project file for reference.
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Slashee_the_Cow 410
At present I'm computer deprived so I can't look exactly but you can try and get rid of the small bits by playing with the (IIRC on the names) Walls > Wall Filter Transition Angle and Walls > Wall Filter Transition Length settings.
If you can post a Cura project file (,3mf, get it set up then go to File > Save Project) for something you're having trouble with than someone else could look and try to find the best solution (or I could in a couple of days when I'm once again at a machine capable of running Cura).
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