of course give me a moment
This is very similar to the issue I had in a previous thread
Getting inner and outer parts of a wall to print consecutively
If you look at the preview you can see that it does a long non-retraction travel to the z-seam position for the outer wall:
It's the light blue, non-retracted travel, coming in from the right. The best solution is to change your settings to get a retracted move, which will show as a dark blue line like the one going to the left.
More of a workaround until someone more knowledgeable chips in, you could move the seam to the inside:
Here's another thread about the same issue:
The solutions there were to reduce the loss of filament due to oozing by reducing oozing 🙂
For example, using a lower extruder temperature or use a dryer filament... or tune your retraction settings to prevent oozing which is what worked for me.
Edited by LindsayPatten
non-retracting moves in the infill area of the part are called "combing" (a sometimes confusing term). So basically you want to eliminate combing inside this cylinder and other hollow prints.
Right now you have the max comb distance with no retracts set to 11.3 which seems MUCH longer than that light blue combing move so I'm not sure what to mess with in the settings but you could try disabling combing altogether I suppose. Basically as Lindsay says, make that long light blue move into a dark blue.
so this all started because i had tried to move to orca. when that confused me i shelved it and went back to cura. (this is when my issues started) i ended up deleting cura and installing it with the latest version (5.8.1) and going back to stock print profiles. i have never touched combing since iv been printing so im unsure if it was off or on or what the original values were prior to my issues.
Have you printed mostly thin walled objects before all this started? Or are you only printing thin walled things recently (things slightly resembling pen cups, unfilled boxes, etc).
Anyway, combing is much smarter in the MB version of cura which is a few years old but is really outstanding at things like combing the shortest distance in thin walled prints. Don't scoff at it just because it's cura 4.X. It has tons of little fixes that can be worth it. Back in Cura 4.X I think it "only" had 500 or so settings, lol. It really hasn't changed a ton since then particulary if you don't have an UltiMaker printer. I mean there are some cool features in 5.X but really 4.X is solid.
hi sorry i had to take a break because i was loosing my mind. the problem still is not solved. trying a print now with combing turned off entirely, will update when results come in.
all of my setting with the exception of infill, bed adhesion, and supports are all kept stock. i have also updated to cura 5.8.1 with no changes in the issue. i had both hot ends rebuilt as a hobby shop near me recommended (willing to try anything) and that didn't help either. i am truly at a loss.
3d printing brings me immense joy as im sure it does with all of us and the fact im unable is really stressing me out.
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Slashee_the_Cow 541
If you could post a Cura project file (.3mf, set it up and then go File > Save Project) that would really help because then we can see all your print settings and see if there's anything that looks wrong, or where might be the best place to start troubleshooting.
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