7 hours ago, ahoeben said:See Special Modes -> Print Sequence. Se that to "One at a time". This will however limit the available height of your build volume, in order to prevent cases where the gantry of your 3d printer could collide with previously printed parts.
That begs the question: "What does it do (instead of completing one layer at a time)?"
for example, I had multiple clips (parts) on bed. It printed one layer of one clip and went to print same layer on the 2nd clip, but now it should have gone to print same layer of the 3rd clip, instead of doing this it jumped back to build next layer of 1st clip and ignored 3rd.
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ahoeben 2,026
See Special Modes -> Print Sequence. Se that to "One at a time". This will however limit the available height of your build volume, in order to prevent cases where the gantry of your 3d printer could collide with previously printed parts.
That begs the question: "What does it do (instead of completing one layer at a time)?"
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