GregValiant 1,455
I'm not getting those in my preview. I wonder if it's just the on-screen rendering as opposed to something that is going to make it into the gcode.
Pass along a gcode file. I can read it into AutoCAD which can tell me if those are moves. I also have an Excel macro that will chart the "flow" move-by-move. One way or another, if it's in the gcode I can catch it.
I can also open the gcode in the Prusa Gcode Viewer which can act as another sanity check.
I sliced it and gcode is attached. At the same time I looked at the gcode on and the problem is visible there.
GregValiant 1,455
I see it there. If those lines are 0.4mm wide then that jig-jog is about .026mm. That may be a result of rounding in the code as it averages where it sliced adjacent triangles.
You are welcome to fill out a bug report over on GitHub.
I think that here is the same problem. Thank you, I‘ll post there 🙂
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GregValiant 1,455
The problem is in the Wall Transition Length and Wall Transitioning Threshold Angle as well as Minimum Line Width (which you have set to the line width of 0.40 which limits what Cura can do to mitigate the problem).
On this layer you can see that there hasn't been a problem. There is an inner wall whose line width has been adjusted to exactly fill the gap between the outer walls.
But the next layer has no gap to fill and so the outer wall line width needs to be adjusted. That's when you get the funkiness coming in.
(This is with the Wall Transition length adjusted to 3.0 and the Transitioning Angle at 10.0.)
You can see that "steps" have appeared in the outer walls as the flow is being adjusted by Cura.
This is an over view of several layers and shows the problem you have with your settings. There is actually a gap on that one layer.
Here I have made adjustments to the default settings and lowered the Minimum Line Width to 0.34. The problem can still be seen but it is spread out and is less noticeable.
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