GregValiant 1,409
The model was designed with single-sided surfaces. They have no thickness and Cura is interpreting some of the geometry to require Tops/Bottoms.
I sliced this with the SmartAvionics (@burtoogle on this forum) fork of Cura. It's my go-to for things that look like they will need to be spiralized and is based on UM Cura 4.x.
This slice was not spiralized but rather was sliced with "Surface Mode" set to "Surface".
The ribs do not touch the walls (see the gaps in the image below). That would seem to be an instant failure point with a regular filament, If you are printing with one of the "expanding-light-weight" materials, then it might work as the gaps might go away.
You can see that the blind hole coming in from the side intrudes into (what I assume is) the spar hole. If that is indeed what it is - that's going to be tough to clean out.
This is a difficult model to print. I think much will depend on how the material acts during printing. It will be on the material to fill all those gaps so the wing ends up as a hole piece and not just a bunch of separate entities that fall apart when you take them off the build plate.
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Slashee_the_Cow 480
If you could post the source gcode file you're trying to emulate that would massively help here. Your Cura project uses a custom printer definition so I can only load the model from it (and not the printing settings, which are support of important)... also the model doesn't seem to load with the internal geometry.
My stab in the dark would be to increase Top/Bottom > Small Top/Bottom Width. Any surfaces below that width will be printed using walls instead of skin.
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