<sigh> And Cura was such a nice platform, till now.
I agree, on Repetier though i found pronterface a visual and ergonomic nightmare.
i guess I'll have to retune my printing class materials to use Repetier;
<sigh> And Cura was such a nice platform, till now.
I agree, on Repetier though i found pronterface a visual and ergonomic nightmare.
i guess I'll have to retune my printing class materials to use Repetier;
I liked the Camera feature - it there a plugin to put that in the new (old) interface? Im a 3 years running reprapper who was around in the "old days" when pronterface (printrun) was all we had - and slicing was a CHORE!! However, I personally like the overall layout of the print window - but on the same token Ive been using Cura for over a year and LOVE it!! - so Im hoping some of the features (like time lapse) will become one with the new window...among others.
I liked the Camera feature - it there a plugin to put that in the new (old) interface? Im a 3 years running reprapper who was around in the "old days" when pronterface (printrun) was all we had - and slicing was a CHORE!! However, I personally like the overall layout of the print window - but on the same token Ive been using Cura for over a year and LOVE it!! - so Im hoping some of the features (like time lapse) will become one with the new window...among others.
The Camera feature was causing a lot of issues for people. Not sure if it will be back in the future. It was little used to be honest (I've had it broken for 4 months without anyone complaining at some point)
The Camera feature was causing a lot of issues for people. Not sure if it will be back in the future. It was little used to be honest (I've had it broken for 4 months without anyone complaining at some point)
Man, that sucks - I just made a camera mount for my usb cam JUST because I started using that feature! Well, I hope it becomes at least an option - I was getting into those time lapse movies!
Man, that sucks - I just made a camera mount for my usb cam JUST because I started using that feature! Well, I hope it becomes at least an option - I was getting into those time lapse movies!
You can still use older cura versions to print GCode files to use that feature.
So will this issue be fixed? There was quite a bit of uproar at my local hackerspace after Cura was updated, especially since the alternative interfaces don't allow the control and straight-forwardness that was offered by the previous interface.
We're considering downgrading temporarily until this issue gets resolved (or stay downgraded if this is the path that Cura decides to take...).
We're considering downgrading temporarily until this issue gets resolved
Yes, that's a very reasonable solution. I don't upgrade every time Cura changes. It's not like microsoft windows where a new version comes out only once every 4 years. Compared to microsoft windows, I'm sure the print dialog will be improved very quickly. But it might be quite a few months.
You don't have to uninstall (maybe you do on a Mac). I have about 10 versions of Cura all installed and can easily choose whichever one I want - that's one reason why they have the version built right into the installation name - so that they are considered different programs and don't interfere with each other.
Actually the features you need might already be available here as people have been adding them back in slowly:
while i do have to say the new UI is, lacking (i had a nice set-up where i would extrude a bit before i printed) and not to mention i had about 2M left on my spool so really needed to change filament i have to say that:
the new cura speed is phenomenal (if a little scary when viewing an item from a distance, looks lie you have lots of holes in layer mode)
and the new support structure its fantastic Daid, great work, now to see it in action! all that bitching and moaning i have done will pay off.
and i do agree, the open source-nes of the Pronterface UI should really really help you actually spend time weeding out bugs, not constantly fixing UI issues!
Sorry to kick this old topic, but I recently also 'upgraded' to find all the printer controls gone from the print window... as by now we are almost 8 months further along I would've expected a solution somewhere in one of these threads, but except for pointing people to another printing program, or writing plugins themselves I can't manage to find a solution to having my printercontrols (flow, speed, temperature, jogging) back in the print window...?
Other people have already written about the nasty surprise you get when these buttons are all of a sudden gone, so I'm also kinda curious about the reasoning behind this...
So my use case is the following:
Printer: Ultimaker Original (without ulticontroller)
Goal: print a calibration piece to make sure that temperature, speed and flow settings are optimal
In the past: I could start printing, level the bed during the printing of the brim, and then start playing with other settings: decrease temperature when there's too much stringing, lower speed when there's underextrusion, etc.
How should this be done now? How is it possible that tools that are so crucial for such a usecase just 'disappear'?
(other posts about this issue):
Set File -> Preferences -> Printing Window Type to 'Pronterface UI'
Set File -> Preferences -> Printing Window Type to 'Pronterface UI'
Found that one.... but there's no more flow and speed controls in there now is there?
Nope. It seems that nobody of the non-Ulticontroller users felt the urge to add this functionality to the print window plugin.
Nope. It seems that nobody of the non-Ulticontroller users felt the urge to add this functionality to the print window plugin.
That's because of stubborn Daid, we stuck with the older Cura to do our prints, like me :(
I use the latest Cura on my downstairs iMac to do all the settings, en save the g-code to be printed with the Mac mini connected to the UM1
the pronterface UI is just,,, sorry to say ...CRAP
and as much Daid says coding for the UI is simple, it is not for me, and I also don't have the time to learn to code.
I really like to twist Daids nipples to get the old UI back.
Nope. It seems that nobody of the non-Ulticontroller users felt the urge to add this functionality to the print window plugin.
I can't really join in on Xeno's wording of his feelings... but removing a feature that was supplying value to users and then expecting them to add it back in seems the opposite of how a company should be treating its customers...
I've been downgrading as well... I'll look into adding it to the pronterface thing...
The change was made in order to give users more control about the printing dialog. However, some functionality got lost. But if I remember correctly Daid once added some of the lost functionality. Asking him nicely to also add the controls you are missing might increase the chance they are included at least in the Pink Unicorn edition.
to give users more control ?!
Daid took away a very good and plenty of control menu, and gave us....basically an empty print dialogue,
and told us to learn how to code ourselves to get back what we had.
and even now the pronterface control is no where near as useful as the old one.
Daid is occupied with so more important things, and the "few" UM1 users without an ulticontroller is just not worth the trouble it seems.
I'll just stop responding to this thread, as I am getting really pissed off again, and I knoiw that nobody especially Daid does not care in the least :(
I'll just stop responding to this thread, as I am getting really pissed off again, and I knoiw that nobody especially Daid does not care in the least :(
I gave you exactly what you had before in the PronterfaceUI plugin. Except for the old speed controls, which was an ugly hack and I did not want to support anymore (added lots of complexity)
There is "code" and "code". The complexity of changing the new dialog is quite low. And if you're not willing to put in some effort, then why should I?
Note: Providing old versions for download is very important for me. So you can be sure that old versions will be available for features that I scrap. You're free to use whatever version you want. All the way back to 12.08
I gave you exactly what you had before in the PronterfaceUI plugin. Except for the old speed controls, which was an ugly hack and I did not want to support anymore (added lots of complexity)
There is "code" and "code". The complexity of changing the new dialog is quite low. And if you're not willing to put in some effort, then why should I?
Hi David,
Seems kinda strange to have this discussion here instead of in the office... but could you please respond to my usecase? Am I correct in interpreting your comments that to bring back the 'speed controls' will definitely require your level of coding skills... instead of the coding skills that might be expect of your customers? (yes, customers, not users).
Let's keep this discussion constructive...
Hi David,
Seems kinda strange to have this discussion here instead of in the office... but could you please respond to my usecase? Am I correct in interpreting your comments that to bring back the 'speed controls' will definitely require your level of coding skills... instead of the coding skills that might be expect of your customers? (yes, customers, not users).
Let's keep this discussion constructive...
But you live downstairs, instead of us, upstair office people ;-)
Anyhow. To explain this a bit better.
First off, with speed controls, I mean some very old code that was in Cura. It allowed you to control the speed for different sections. For example you could set the outer perimeter speed to 50%, during printing. The code that did this was horribly hacky and I removed it when cleaning up and fixing other bugs.
As for the printing dialog itself, the rest of it. These changes came with inclusion of Doodle3D printing support, and some more cleanup of the printing code. This code is all quite old, and hangs together with ductape. Making it very hard to maintain. By removing features I have less to maintain and I can spend more time on stuff that is more important.
I know it sucks for people that used that feature. For the more advanced usage, there is still the stand-alone printrun/pronterface (from kliment). The "per type" speed controls however, went on the same chopping block as the timelaps feature (something I hear nothing about, as I actually removed that as well)
It's a simple case of every feature requiring extra work to maintain. (Nallath is sometimes a bit better at explaining this)
So my use case is the following:
Printer: Ultimaker Original (without ulticontroller)
Goal: print a calibration piece to make sure that temperature, speed and flow settings are optimal
In the past: I could start printing, level the bed during the printing of the brim, and then start playing with other settings: decrease temperature when there's too much stringing, lower speed when there's underextrusion, etc.
How should this be done now? How is it possible that tools that are so crucial for such a usecase just 'disappear'?
1) Set the "Printer interface" to "Pronterface UI" in the perferences.
2) Load a cube
3) Hook up your printer with the USB cable
4) Press the "print button"
5) In the dialog that opens, press print.
6) During printing, adjust the temperature with the up/down controls, or by entering a temperature.
7) Speed controls are absent. But, if you really must. M220 Sxxx to control the speed. (Or optionally, get the more advanced printer interface plugin, which is somewhere on the forums and has buttons for this)
But, in the end. If you are printing with USB, you're putting yourself at risk of unfinished prints.
1) Set the "Printer interface" to "Pronterface UI" in the perferences.6) During printing, adjust the temperature with the up/down controls, or by entering a temperature.
7) Speed controls are absent. But, if you really must. M220 Sxxx to control the speed. (Or optionally, get the more advanced printer interface plugin, which is somewhere on the forums and has buttons for this)
But, in the end. If you are printing with USB, you're putting yourself at risk of unfinished prints.
Thanks! I didn't know about the M220 command, so with finally having a day off I went ahead and implemented almost all the old functionality (sorry for the crosspost):
This was quite a bit of work for me, being such a noob, but a good start of the year non the less :-).
By the way with regard to USB printing: back when I got my printer I compiled the firmware to work at 115200 baudrate, which fixes any issues regarding USB (I've never had a print fail since). PS: all ultimaker original owners without Ulticontrollers are in the 'USB printing' category... well, for me at least for a few weeks as I finally got a raspberry pi.
which fixes any issues regarding USB
For you.
I have a laptop which simply refuses to do stable USB printing. I've tried everything you can think of. This was my only laptop I had when I bought my Ultimaker, and caused a LOT of frustration.
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illuminarti 18
I think the short answer is "No, you can't", unfortunately... but I think it's an area that may well see some improvements in the future.
In the meantime, why not just use Pronterface or Repetier Host to do that actual control/print spooling. They're arguably better than Cura ever was at doing those things, anyway.
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