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Posted · TPU wall is coming loose from the infill and strings on the print

Hi all,

Currently I'm printing a few parts with Ultimaker TPU 95A. I have some troubles while printing the parts. When the print is completed I got a lot of strings on the part, see picture 3. The Filament has been in a dry station for 48+ hours. I currently print with the standaard Ultimaker TPU settings.


The other problem is that the wall is not fully attached to the infill of the print. See picture 1 & 2. I don't know how to solve the isseu. Playing around with the wall setting didn't solve my problem yet. I preffer a solid TPU print.


With kind regard



picture 2.png

picture 1.png

picture 3.png

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    Posted · TPU wall is coming loose from the infill and strings on the print

    Stringing with TPU is pretty much inevitable, even with perfect settings. About the only way to prevent it is to avoid travels entirely 😕 

    The walls thing is a bit weird. If you could share your Cura project file (.3mf, get it set up then go to File > Save Project) so we could see all the settings you're using that might help.

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    Posted · TPU wall is coming loose from the infill and strings on the print

    Hi Slashee,


    Thank you for the reply

    Hereby the .3mf files. Also from another part where I had the wall problem. When checking if it was the correct model it opened with Cura 5.7.0. I have a few more models with the same issue but I think this is a good start to check.


    354_0145346 02 TPU Red Break 4h 54m.3mf 347_0148166 - kopie.3mf 358_cad-1033304 02 TPU Black Break 4h 51m.3mf

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    Posted (edited) · TPU wall is coming loose from the infill and strings on the print

    TPU is indeed a very difficult material to print with and get clean non-stringy prints.

    I've had the outer layer peel off like that, and the issue was wet filament and a dirty print head.

    It's been a while since I've had to dry it this way, but IIRC I just chucked the spool in an oven for a full day. (±60°C, pretty sure the plastic the spool is made of will deform if you go much higher - assuming it's Ultimaker material).

    I'm also making an assumption that you're running an ultimaker printer here - just use the built-in cleaning option for your print head, it should be under the maintenance settings somewhere. If you're using a different printer, just do a series of hot/cold pulls as described by your printer/print head manufacturer.


    Another "solution" could be to try ironing to get the outer layer to be attached again. This is more of a workaround since that surface will essentially be hot glued on the top layer only.


    Edit: The weird dots/spots on your black print might also be due to the way the Z-seam is set in your settings, but we can't be sure until you post the project file like Slashee mentioned.

    At least make sure it's not set to random!

    Edited by PizzaTijd
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    Posted (edited) · TPU wall is coming loose from the infill and strings on the print

    @FloTob Two of the 3mf files you posted are only models - only 358_cad-1033304 02 TPU Black Break 4h 51m.3mf is a Cura project. For the other ones, did you accidentally go to File > Export instead of File > Save Project?

    (Don't worry, you'd hardly be the first person to do it.)


    And just looking at the Cura project... I really hope these aren't the settings you printed it with. Because the project has your model placed too close to the prime tower:


    ...and you're only printing with a single material, so you don't need a prime tower.

    And I really hope you're not printing in that orientation, because that would require support over the whole thing (almost impossible to remove cleanly) when you could just do this:


    Edited by Slashee_the_Cow
    Looked at project
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    Posted · TPU wall is coming loose from the infill and strings on the print

    @Slashee_the_Cow mmm it is strange that there is a prime tower. Because I did not printed it with a prima tower. The orientation is correct. I have to admit that this is not my latest print and it was not sliced in Cura 5.9. If I open a sliced part in a newer Cura version it not always opens correctly. I reopend part 354 in Cura 5.7 a min ago and it came with TPU black and settings I set for another print were I am currently working on. While I can see in the file name it was sliced with TPU Red

    We choose this oriantation for a smooth surface. And another pros was that it not needed support material


    Now I readded 354 files image.thumb.png.f45e9ce3a0ccc6f2a97c125ceace7a52.png


    @Slashee_the_Cow Currently I am testing with Ninjaflex material and I have also in the print the wall issue.


    @PizzaTijd The material has been in the dry station for more than 48h. I have a Ultimaker S7 with material station. So when I took the TPU out of the dry station I put it in the Ultimaker material station. About a dirty printhead, before I start a new TPU print I clean it with the hot and cool pull method. Also I have 1 printhead for each material I use. 1 for TPU, 1 for ASB 1 for PETG and so on. I do not use different materials in 1 printhead.

    354_-0145346 02 TPU Red Break 4h 54m.gcode 354_-0145346 02 TPU Red Break 4h 54m.ufp 354_-0145346 02 TPU Red Break 4h 54m.3mf

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