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Posted (edited) · Issue with the printhead of my S3.

Hello and thanks for reading, 

Today i tried printing with the S3, and it failed during calibration. 
i stayed to watch the calibration and noticed that, it did everything fine when testing the first nozzle. But the second nozzle, while lowered correctly by the liftswitch, got pushed back up into the print head, when it was used to calibrate. 

move the lift switch to the position so it lowers the second head. 
Press with something upward against the nozzle. 

Expected result: 
It staying in place. 
Actual result: 
it getting pushed up back into the body. 

Ive worked with ultimakers before but never with one that has the 2 head system and auto calibration,  so i dont know what could be wrong/ missing. 

Edited by Tenshidono
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    Posted (edited) · Issue with the printhead of my S3.

    Correction: i figured out that the nozzle is supposed to move, my bad. 
    but it normally stops after a small push instead of pushing the nozzle all the way inside.  
    Im guessing its an issue with the level sensors, but when i tried calibrating them the printer just told me i have a noise of 1.9

    Edited by Tenshidono
    changed printhead to nozzle, i always get the two confused
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    Posted · Issue with the printhead of my S3.

    1.9?  Anything less than 4 is a "pass".


    So your noise level of the level sensor is good.


    Pull the 2 cores out and compare the spring strength.  If you hold the core by the black plastic only and push down the nozzle onto a table, is one much easier?  Typically it is about 1kg of force needed (1000 grams on a food or postage scale).

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    Posted · Issue with the printhead of my S3.

    Also try repeating the leveling a few times to see if it fails every time or sometimes.


    How much more does it push up the right core?  1mm more?  5mm more?

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    Posted · Issue with the printhead of my S3.

    Hello, thanks for the quick response. 

    Yeah by pressing on the nozzle i noticed that the springs do seem to have different spring strengths.  

    the one on the left barely moves when i press on it but the one on the right i could push in with relative ease. 
    i would say about 25% of the strength. 

    But we have a spare BB printcore, so i removed the original and tried them side by side. The original had more strength then our spare one, so i was confused.

    I put the spare one in and it was at about 50% strength, of our AA one.. 
    Put the original BB back in and now its solid again.. no idea what happened maybe some dirt or misalignment. 
    But either way it seems fixed for now, thank you so much!!

    I just started a print, so im keeping my fingers crossed

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    Posted · Issue with the printhead of my S3.

    Do you have a video of the active leveling process at the start of a print? (Not during the sensor test; the behavior is different and there's specific things to look for when it's running active leveling for real.)

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    Posted · Issue with the printhead of my S3.


    Hello and thank you for your response, 
    im still having issues, besides what i tried last time ive also replaced Printcore AA just in case. 
    And ive cleaned and manually calibrated the buildplate, but no change. 
    Above you can see the calibration seems normal now thanks to changing the cores, but the error is the same. 


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    • Solution
    Posted · Issue with the printhead of my S3.

    It looks like your nozzle seal may not be seated properly; I would recommend getting that reseated. It's sagging at the front. 


    The next thing I would probably try is unplugging the front fan and rerunning active leveling at the start of the print--if there's a pinch anywhere in the fan cable it can disrupt the active leveling. 

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    Posted · Issue with the printhead of my S3.

    Unplugging the fan indeed seemed to fix it.
    I ordered a fan online and i just installed it and it seems to be working again. 

    Thanks for all the suggestions 

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