@ahoeben Arc Welder includes executables for each platform, could you include Python libraries in your plugin in a similar way?
Similar, not the same, and it would require OP to provide versions of the dll and pyd files for each platform AND for each supported Cura version, or only ever support one version of Cura. Have fun with that.
FluiddStage.zipThanks for the replay,
And sorry for the delay. I always love test some theory before respond.
Ahoeben was right.. Before his post, PyQt6 folder (python3 vs cura) dosent pass copy/windif/checksum test. That's mean don't override the folder, cura gonna crash.
After reinstall Python 3.10.4. and switch PyQt6 6.8 to 6.6, nothing still not work. But I realize that sub-package didn't install properly.
pip index versions pip 22.0.4 PyQt6 6.6.0 PyQt6-Qt6 6.8.1 PyQt6_sip 13.9.1 PyQt6-WebEngine 6.6.0 PyQt6-WebEngine-Qt6 6.8.1 setuptools 58.1.0
In this case, my python version stop to work and plugins version have no change... still crash on import. Re do everything, but this time i install sub package before
pip install PyQt6-Qt6==6.6.0
pip install PyQt6-WebEngine-Qt6==6.6.0
pip install PyQt6_sip==13.6.0
pip install PyQt6==6.6.0
pip install PyQt6-WebEngine==6.6.0
This time python test version work and also PyQt6 Folder Python was same that PyQt6 Cura. You can Override, File difference was more file for Python version and checksum for existing file have 0 byte difference.
Now with that, It's sadly only allow to not crash the FluiddStage.py if you insert
from PyQt6.QtCore import QUrl from PyQt6.QtWebEngineWidgets import QWebEngineView
Once you try to webview directly into the python or qml file, the plugins crash. Also i remark once i import in qml i have crash. Only import in main plugins work.
I the great schematic of live, i think it's screw, maybe specially because my lack of knowledge with python.
Oh I not also replace PyQt6 folder, I have recopy PyQt6/bin dll file into cura root. Nothing work.
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ahoeben 2,026
Cura comes with a python installation of its own, so normal users of Cura don't need to install Python, Qt, etc. Installing Python and Qt on your system in addition to Cura will not affect Cura; Cura will still be using its own Python and Qt installation, and that does not include QWebEngineWidgets.
You can try to copy the files required for QWebEingineWidgets into your Cura installation, but you must match the exact version of Cura and Qt that Cura ships with. AFAIK, Cura 5.9 uses Python 3.10.4. You cannot mix that version of Python with files from an additional Python 3.13 installation. Same for Qt 6; I think Cura 5.9 uses Qt 6.6.0
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