You're using Elegoo Cura - it's a very half-hearted and lazy fork and has issues (including messing up regular Cura if you have both installed). We don't support it here, only regular (UltiMaker) Cura. You should try contacting Elegoo about it.
UltiMaker neither collaborated with or support this version of Cura.
People open support cases all the time with our support team for this version of Cura and we send them to Elegoo.
It would be nice if Elegoo actually supported their products and does not push their customers to us for answers.
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Slashee_the_Cow 541
Are you using Elegoo Cura or (regular) UltiMaker Cura? Elegoo Cura stores its configuration files in the same location as regular Cura but they're not compatible with each other so that can mess things up (not to mention it can be a bit messed up on its own).
Also while it shouldn't be a problem from the main Marketplace page if you click the cog in the top right corner:
It'll take you to a page with a long list of all the plugins including the built in ones (don't touch those) but any third party ones you've installed should be in their own section at the top:
Try uninstalling it from this page.
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