Apologies for the confusion. I just want to know, is the leftmost support splitting and the curly fragments on the right most support expected behaviour of breakaway?
I kind of expected it to come out as a smooth whole tree.
Apologies for the confusion. I just want to know, is the leftmost support splitting and the curly fragments on the right most support expected behaviour of breakaway?
I kind of expected it to come out as a smooth whole tree.
curly stuff on the right most are normal - the goal is to print fast and not pretty when it comes to support. There may be too many gcodes per movement causing the printer to stutter in that area and causing some "spurting". That's what it looks like but there are other possible causes. Also it's an overhang (mild but still an overhang) so that might be the issue.
The split on the left is less normal. It probably indicates underextrusion or bad layer bonding combined with shrinkage forces but enough of that layer stayed attached to itself that it didn't matter. But you are much more likely to get underextrusion (causing weaker supports but still 10X stronger than needed) in support structures because the Cura profile knows they can push the limits a bit on support (it doesn't have to look good - it just has to work). It could have been a filament tangle but most likely it's some mild underextrusion because the settings were pushed a bit. You could slow down the support speeds if it ever becomes a problem. Or try doing a "cold pull" on the printcore - it's an option in the menu to help you clean the nozzles.
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gr5 2,295
I don't understand. Seriously. The supports all seem to be supporting. Right?
Looking at the pictures for the 4th time, the leftmost support splits but then it recovers so it's still supporting, right?
Are tree supports default option for breakaway? I've only done breakaway with much more solid support structures. Also if it looks like you are supporting once the arch hits 45 degrees. Isn't the default in Cura closer to 70 degrees from vertical? I would personally increase that from 45 to maybe 60. Anyway, that's not what you asked about. Sorry.
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