Do you have solid infill bottom and top checked?
Also you should double check in layer view near the areas that are red in xray view.
Xray view sends an imaginary beam of light through your model and if it hits an even qty of walls it colors the model blue or white or light blue and an odd number of walls is a red or dark red color. An odd number of walls implies either an extra wall inside the part, or a hole in a part (where "walls" can be defined as ceilings and floors as well).
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Daid 306
Then Blender is telling you a lie. Quick view in "X-Ray" mode of Cura shows a red polygon. Which is a possible problem.
As for the problem you are having, it's the "thin wall gap". It's a difficult problem to solve 100%, Cura does a best effort (and a lot better then year ago), but can occasionally miss and not fill in some gaps.
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