And that shrinkage seems to be especially bad on circles as there is nothing stopping it from collapsing in on itself. The plastic behaves a little bit like a rubber band and the effect appears more dramatic on smaller circles since X amount of shrinkage makes a bigger impact on a small circle than the same amount of shrinkage on a big circle.
The circle looks like a bunch of overlapping squares because the circle gets divided up into a bunch of straight lines. The firmware doesn't support arcs (yet) so it's the only way to get a circle.
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Dim3nsioneer 558
All bores printed with an FFF-printer come out smaller than in the model due to the shrink of the plastic when cooling down. You have to adjust the model for this shrink (as it is also done in e.g. injection moulding). How much you have to adjust depends on the type of plastic you're printing and the settings like e.g. print temperature. I suggest the try and error method for that.
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