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Posted · Cura RC3 - Released!

I just released Cura RC3 on


Changes include (but are not limited to):

* Toolbar button icons (looks a lot better then the old buttons)

* Scale to maximum size button

* Project planner - Which allows you to print multiple objects after each other on different printer bed locations.

* Various fixed in the First Run Wizard, hopefully solving most issues with it.

* Move buttons in printer interface

* Saving start/end code in profile instead of seperate files. Sharing your profile ini file will now include all settings including start/end code.

* Support for multiple extruders (Dual, triple or even quad extrusion)

* Faster GCode preview

* Support for math expressions in settings. For example, a layer height of "0.1*3/10" is a valid setting

* X/Y/Z indicators on 3D preview

* Information about print time and filament usage after slicing

* GCode syntax checking in start/end GCode editor

Have fun!

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    Posted · Cura RC3 - Released!

    Just installed - quick question - I use the Cura Marlin RC2 firmware. But I cant get the M303 command to do anything. Known issue? M303 says "PID autotune Start" but it does not start to heat up the element.

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    Posted · Cura RC3 - Released!

    I've never used the PID autotune M303 command. But there has been a small change in it after that firmware release. You can build a newer version with:


    (defaults are the same as for the Cura firmware, except that the Cura firmware also has the UltiController enabled)

    Random FYI: RC2 and RC3 use the same firmware (I didn't want to risk updating it after a lot of testing, especially because that's what broke the RC2 first run wizard)

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    Posted · Cura RC3 - Released!
    I've never used the PID autotune M303 command. But there has been a small change in it after that firmware release. You can build a newer version with:


    (defaults are the same as for the Cura firmware, except that the Cura firmware also has the UltiController enabled)

    Random FYI: RC2 and RC3 use the same firmware (I didn't want to risk updating it after a lot of testing, especially because that's what broke the RC2 first run wizard)

    Thanks - BuildMe version made M303 work.

    Question: the BuildMe - defaults - has different PID values than Ultimaker standard

    In notes: Ultimaker Kp: 22.2/Ki:1.25/Kd:99

    In BuildMe defaults: Kp: 22.2/Ki: 1.08/Kd:114

    The reason I am asking is my PID thing with M303 overshoots the 150c mark up to 170c - and that makes M303 break...

    And I cant seem to find a good source on modifying the PID values.

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    Posted · Cura RC3 - Released!
    Is it possible to access any of the mirroring functions in Project Planner?

    It doesn't have buttons for it yet, but if you save a project, and open it in a text editor, then you can edit mirror settings. (Not that user friendly, I know)

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    Posted · Cura RC3 - Released!
    Is it possible to access any of the mirroring functions in Project Planner?

    It doesn't have buttons for it yet, but if you save a project, and open it in a text editor, then you can edit mirror settings. (Not that user friendly, I know)

    Maybe not the most use friendly but it works just fine for me and is a lot easier than editing the model in blender/meshlab every.single.time.

    Thanks! Btw, Project Planner is working nicely for me!

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    Posted · Cura RC3 - Released!

    I have another quick feature request:when placing copies of the same object, cura slices each one separately, when it could be more efficient and just copy the sliced code to the new location.

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    Posted · Cura RC3 - Released!
    I have another quick feature request:when placing copies of the same object, cura slices each one separately, when it could be more efficient and just copy the sliced code to the new location.

    I'm curious to see what he says; I thought Daid wasn't actually writing the slicer but rather an easy-to-user wrapper around skeinforge. As such, skeinforge is probably the limiting factor because it's not aware of the project planner and the whole reuse concept. Having said that, it might be practical to write something that parses existing GCode and translates the movement to a new table location (just thinking outloud cuz I like this stuff).

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    Posted · Cura RC3 - Released!

    It's quite possible to reposition GCode. (The multiply plugin does just that in SF). I just opted for less complexity right now, especially because settings can differ between objects. But I see how GCode re-use could make slicing a lot faster.

    Step 1: Make it work.

    Step 2: Make it work better.

    Step 3: Make it faster.

    Currently at step 2.

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    Posted · Cura RC3 - Released!

    Hello all,

    I installed Cura RC3 (first time with Cura), and it works fine. At a first glance it seems much better than ReplicatorG!

    As I struggle with my extrusion problems (printing head jamming all the time) I

    lack a feature of ReplicatorG : The possibility to actuate the extrusion motor "manually" from the software (set a speed and motor direction).

    Is this available somewhere in Cura?

    If not, is it something that can be added in a fututre release? (Middle term / ideal solution)

    In the mean time How can I use (alternatively) Cura and ReplicatorG without having to reload each time the Ultimaker's Firmware?

    Then I'll be able to use Cura for slicing/printing and use ReplicatorG for troubleshooting my extrusion problems.


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    Posted · Cura RC3 - Released!

    PrintRun which comes with Cura has more control options and can do manual extrusion.

    Also, if you select "enable experimental machine profiles" in RepG34 then you can selected "Experimental Marlin/Sprinter" from the machine selection, and then it should work with the Cura firmware.

    As for you extruder problems, most likely cause is that the bowden tube is creeping up, causing a gap between the tube and the peek, filament will fill up the gap, and cause the plug.

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    Posted · Cura RC3 - Released!

    Hi Daid,

    Thanks for the quick answer.

    As I am just discovering Cura, I haven't looked yet at printrun...

    For the extruder problems, I'll see if it comes from "bowden creeping"...

    My actual hypothesis is more about the traces left by my new filament extruder that increase the filament diameter and it blocks somewhere at the entrance of the printing head (juste before it melts).

    Best regards,


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    Posted · Cura RC3 - Released!

    Damnn, I'm so excited!! =)

    I just finished a couple of ultra-fine gear prints with Cura RC2! The spacing between those teeth is <1mm.

    Check it out:

    https://plus.google.com/photos/10422046 ... 7801200274

    I'll go download RC3 once I finish this batch of prints!

    Anyway just curious Daid, is there a way to decrease the Joris-Bump? I have Joris turned on in expert settings already, but the line still appears (see photograph, lower-left silver cylinder). I'm already superbly happy with my prints, so its just a niggling issue.

    Thanks so much! =)

    Oh yes, I also improved the X-Y accuracy by damping vibration of the Ultimaker (vibration is my biggest biggest enemy now). What I did was to add dumb-bell weights to the bottom of the Ultimaker. As a result, positioning is even better than ever, even at 0.2mm on a vertical, its hard to distinguish the layers now. In addition, I've added padded feet, and bought a special solid-wood table with rubber feet to place the printer on.

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    Posted · Cura RC3 - Released!

    awesome prints.

    Sadly, the joris trick only works on hollow parts, like cups and vases. I haven't found any other way to make sure you never have a ridge.

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    Posted · Cura RC3 - Released!

    Hmm the ridge appears because plastic pools in that spot as the z-tray is moving downwards?

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    Posted · Cura RC3 - Released!

    Yes and no. Yes, that can happen, and then you get a ridge, but with a lower printing temperature that gets better.

    However, if you also print an infill or more then 1 outline, the printerhead moves from the outside line to the inside, the point where this happens you also get a sort of ridge/dent.

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    Posted · Cura RC3 - Released!

    Wow! Daid, I headed over to download RC3, and saw my bracelet on your front page!

    How did the print go? Did skeinforge pave-over the center?


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    Posted · Cura RC3 - Released!

    I didn't print it, but I found it a cool looking model for a screenshot ;-)

    It did however, pave over the center. Not sure why...

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    Posted · Cura RC3 - Released!

    Hmmmm, okay I shall remodel it and try again, thanks for the feedback :)

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    Posted · Cura RC3 - Released!

    Hey Daid,

    I used RC3 for a couple of prints and its looking good so far. Just a couple of issues though:

    1. When in the simple-mode, the z-tray moves extremely slowly, resulting in the primed extruder become unprimed as it drips its contents onto the stage before the print starts, so Layer 0 is basically not printed as there is no more PLA in the extruder head

    2. When I flip the models say along x, y, z, the flipped model ends up at the side of the build area rather than the center...is there a way to center it?

    3. Where did the options for duplicating objects go to? That was quite useful.

    But all in all, great job! The motor control functions are very handy, and slicing seems way faster than it was before =)

    Does Cura work with standard RepRaps such as the Prusa Mendel though? We are planning on building a Mendel to handle the larger bulk-parts, as well as parts which need minimal stringing - as the Ultimaker is great for small accurate parts but we experience huge warping issues for anything larger than 8cm.

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    Posted · Cura RC3 - Released!

    1. Oops, I missed that one. I've changed it for the next release.

    2. That's odd, it should end up at the center... it does so for me.

    3. They caused a lot of problems with dual extrusion. So I disabled them. The project planner can be used to print multiple objects in a different way, but that's not a 100% replacement.

    And, it can work with standard repraps, as long as you have firmware that accepts GCode with E values.

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    Posted · Cura RC3 - Released!
    1. Oops, I missed that one. I've changed it for the next release.

    2. That's odd, it should end up at the center... it does so for me.

    3. They caused a lot of problems with dual extrusion. So I disabled them. The project planner can be used to print multiple objects in a different way, but that's not a 100% replacement.

    And, it can work with standard repraps, as long as you have firmware that accepts GCode with E values.

    Regarding #2, I've noticed that there's some sort of issue where the transform is applied before/after the object is flattened on the table surface in the viewer resulting in it rotating about a point *other* than the origin.

    1. load model

    2. flip z axis

    3. load the same model again

    4. new model is now hovering above the platform

    With the z transform it's obvious something is really wrong but an X/Y transform glitch like above would have the effect Tachyio mentioned.

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