Hi Berend,
thanks for the reply. One thing I noticed: Do you preheat manually before building the code? I can't find a code in which you heaten up the extruder before this line:
"G1 F1000 E260 ;Extrude material"
Or am I missing something?
Hi Berend,
thanks for the reply. One thing I noticed: Do you preheat manually before building the code? I can't find a code in which you heaten up the extruder before this line:
"G1 F1000 E260 ;Extrude material"
Or am I missing something?
Do you preheat manually before building the code? -> Yes.
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berend 0
i'm no expert but as far as i know:
1) How do I know which start.gcode SF uses?
On my system (Mac OS) in the ReplicatorG25 directory, each skeinforge engine has its own directory with /prefs in witch different (gcode generator) profiles are stored in separate directories.
In each profile directory is a subdirectory called: alterations.
In directory alterations, the start.gcode and end.gcode are stored.
/ReplicatorG25/skein_engines/skeinforge-35/skeinforge_application/prefs/SF35-ULTIMAKER - Quality print/alterations/start.gcode
For ReplicatorG24 it's different; its a file in a hidden directory in the root:
/Users/Username/.replicatorg/sf_31_profiles/Dupli ULTIMAKER - ABS - Q/alterations
So, depending on witch RepG, SF and profile you use a different stored start.gcode is used.
2) I can imagine some people wrote there own start and end files. I'm really interested in those codes!
A code i use:
G21 (Metric: The unit is a millimeter)
G90 (Absolute Positioning)
G28 Z0 ;physical home Z
G92 X0 Y0 Z0 ;This is zero
G1 Z25.0 F400 ;Move down platform 25mm with speed 400
G92 E0 (zero the extruded length)
G1 F1000 E260 ;Extrude material
G1 F3000 E-20 ;A little pullback of fillament
G92 E0 (zero the extruded length)
M1 (Clean the nozzle and press YES to continue...)
G1 Z-24.0 F400 ;Move up platform 24mm with speed 400
G1 Z-1.0 F100 ;Move up platform 1mm with speed 100
G92 E0
G1 E0.00
M104 S220.00 ;Temperature set
I don't know if it's perfect (especially regarding the extrusion length) but it works fine for me.
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