What didier said. Look at the other side - they should be symmetrical.
Your blue part is suffering from "play" aka "backlash". You can look up that term in wikipedia. Look at the blue part carefully - notice that the infill is not touching the shell and that every other pass touches and then there is a gap - this is exactly expected of play. More details here (posts #7 and #8):
To fix the play on the UM2 first check the long belts - they are probably fine. More likely the short belts - one of them needs to be tightened. To do this is very easy - loosen the 4 screws that hold the motor then push down hard on the X or Y stepper until the short belts are tight again and tighten the 4 screws.
The problems with the black part on the sides can be also explained by "play" if it was doing some passes clockwise, and other passes counter clockwise.
The top layer of the black part looks like you printed with layers too think. I don't recommend going any thinner than .1mm as quality can get worse - same thing with the sides of the black part - instead of play that might be "too thin layers" or a third possibility: printing too fast.
The slower you print usually you get better quality.
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DidierKlein 729
You can bend the left fan to be more close to the head. It seems it was bend during transportation it should be closer
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