Goed bezig Bas!
Nice Research!
Interesting report. In my year-long experience with a TrinityLabs hobbed wheel, it did occasionally clog as a result of some other issue, but when it didn't unclog on its own, it was quite easy to clean out (assuming easy access).
I've just started using a MK8 hobbed wheel on my UM2, and so far it seems to get a better grip on the filament with fewer skips than the original knurled wheel. Having smaller effective diameter, it should give a bit better extrusion resolution - I'm still calibrating, but using e-steps around 340 for now.
Awesome Bas. In my tests:
The UM2 feeder motor slips somewhere around 4.5 to 5.7kg or (multiplying by 9.81 m/s/s) 44 to 56 Newtons when using the default current (I believe 1.25A limited) although the motor can exert more force when spinning faster before the current limiting feature allows it to slip back.
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IRobertI 521
Thanks Bas, it's great that you guys are so open with this stuff.
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