Dim3nsioneer 558
I think the ooze shield is very close to the object (2mm). I had a case where ooze shield and object were kind of merged and the object was partially destroyed. Thus, I extended the distance in the CuraEngine to 5mm and will check if it helps.
Another issue I had with the very close ooze shield is insufficient cooling of the object.
However, I have the ooze shield activated all the time, even for single extrusion prints but with them it is never printed. I wonder how you drayson managed to have the ooze shield with a single extrusion print. Have you acitvated some support on the second extruder?
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3dcase 37
Have not tried it with a single print yet.
but with dual extruder it creates a skin or cocon indeed, with a vase, even top en inside...
The oozeshield itself helps... hard to watch what is happening though.
Unpacking is half the fun;)
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