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Posted · New question! Bundled questions about Cura

Hi all,

Just a few short questions bundled together in 1 topic:

1) When I add some things on the buildplate and save it, it makes a AMF file. If reopened, the placement of the things is totally messed up as can be seen in the following pictures. If it's explicitly saved as STL, the placement remains the same upon opening. What's the idea behind this AMF file?




2) Is it possible to tell Cura which object should be printed first? Or is the automatic function already good enough not to bump into other objects. I guess the hot end size in the settings is leading for this setting? I should update that with my printed fanshroud!


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    Posted · New question! Bundled questions about Cura

    RE 1) Strange, it always reloads the same for me no matter which format I use. Hopefully someone else knows

    2) You can't set the order but cura knows how not to run into the other parts. However, it only knows that by what you tell it as far as the head size goes so yes if you are using a different fan shroud you need to update the values. Note that if any part is higher than the gantry height setting, cura will force "Print all at once" where all parts get the first layer then all parts get the next layer and so on. Otherwise the smaller shafts would potentially hit a completed part.


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    Posted · New question! Bundled questions about Cura

    New Question:

    3) When I print something my settings that make sure there is no underextrusion also cause my print to stick to the raft terribly. I believe I might be overextruding a little, 107% flow, but anything less causes underextrusion. I print with rafts to ensure that mass producing parts stick well to the buildplate when I'm not there.

    First I tried to increase the airgap up to 0.5mm, which was definitely an improvement!!! But still there were parts of the raft sticking to my print. Then I figured out that with the Tweak at Z plugin I could start with a low flow(100%) so that the raft will be easily and after the first layers of the object tweak to 107% again.

    The question is actually twofold, 3a) How would you normally improve the removability of the raft? I believe my method of high airgap is not really the way to go...


    3b) When I use the print one at a time option how can I make sure that each raft+first layers is printed with 100% flow, and the rest of the part with 107%. When I do tweak at layer I would need to define all start and end layers(time consuming). Is this done automatically when you use the height tweak? So it would start with setting A, until 2 mm, then use the tweak at height setting B for 2-80mm to finish the part. Then start with setting A again for the next part, until 2mm, before using the tweak at height setting B again for 2-80, etc?

    The short term solution is to use print all at once, then I know it's printing like it should, but I kinda dislike the option since it puts everything closer together and curls up rafts easier somehow and gives stringing.


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    Posted · New question! Bundled questions about Cura

    4) Is it possible to use the G4 code with S1800 for example to delay the start of a print by 30 minutes? This would be extremely interesting to start prints when I'm already asleep. This way I can print overnight, but still fall asleep like normal(student housing with 1 room and printer in the bathroom)


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    Posted · New question! Bundled questions about Cura

    Yes, but the maximum time for a single G4 is limited, (as some counter can overflow) so you'll have to experiment or look in the code to find out that the maximum time for a G4 is


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    Posted · New question! Bundled questions about Cura

    So I have another question regarding a model/Cura. Take a look at this screenshot

    Blue line madness

    It's a blue line madness. It's making very tiny movements diagonally and traveling to a new spot. Why would it do this rather than making long continued lines. Or why not a double pass for the shell and then the infill as usual?

    I also believe that the long printing time is due to this. And that it should be able to do it more efficiently!


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    Posted · New question! Bundled questions about Cura

    The tiny diagonal movements are in order to create a surface where the next layer can lean on. It does that for curved surfaces. If you don't your surface quality will suffer.


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    Posted · New question! Bundled questions about Cura

    But why is it making diagonal lines, rather than parallel lines along the edge?

    Also related: Take the portecart file as example:


    It contains thin strips to hold cards up. In my opinion a double shell with 0% infill should be enough, but the thicker part to the left needs the infill to support the overhang of the top layers.

    Now, the thin strips have useless infill/travel things as can be seen here:

    More blue lines!

    Increasing print time yet again. Is there a way to decrease print time here?


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    Posted · New question! Bundled questions about Cura

    Because it's generated as infill and infill is always diagonal in Cura... ;)


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    Posted · New question! Bundled questions about Cura

    Because diagonal lines are faster on an Ultimaker.


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    Posted · New question! Bundled questions about Cura

    Wow, this set of items has the most freaky slicing I've ever seen. I've seen sub optimal slicing and some strange pathing, but this is next level.

    Back to the portecard file: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:274570/#files

    Just before the thin lines start, it goes freaky:

    Blue LINES


    I wonder if these files can be redesigned in such a way to prevent all of this from happening. These objects should be able to roll out of the printer in way less time if these strange things weren't there.


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    Posted · New question! Bundled questions about Cura

    I've got Cura 14.09 and it doesn't have those weird lines (atleast not with default settings).


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    Posted · New question! Bundled questions about Cura

    Layer 10 and 11, with settings:

    0.1mm layer height

    0.8 shell

    0.8 bot/top

    15% infill

    printspeed 80mm/s

    temp 220 for first 4 layers, tweak at 4th layer to 200

    brim(20 lines)

    0.4 nozzle

    45mm/s retraction over 4.5mm

    travel 200mm/s

    The rest is standard

    Dunno what is going on :?


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    Posted · New question! Bundled questions about Cura

    ...and combing enabled with a too short minimum distance before retraction or a non-zero amount of extruded material before retraction? I usually set the first to 5mm and the second to 0, especially on the UMO.


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    Posted · New question! Bundled questions about Cura

    Combing enabled yes:

    1.5mm minimum travel

    0.02 extruding minimum

    0.2 z hop

    It still shows the same blue lines. I think it's due to the following: When you have a cube that is 10 cm, and then on top of it, add a cylinder with diameter 10cm too. The corners will get filled as they are a top layer. But the cylinder will just stick to be an infill. Since there are so many small lines are infill and tiny surfaces are a toplayer, you get loads of small top layers and lots of traveling with retraction.


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    Posted · New question! Bundled questions about Cura

    Wow, really? What is going on here. Combing results in a lot of extra travel movement in this model, yet without combing it takes like 1,5 hours LONGER?

    With combing:

    with combing

    Without combing:

    without combing


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    Posted · New question! Bundled questions about Cura

    Note the stange movements (zigzag and the odd order in which to print things) are a result of a bug in the current release.

    The latest RC has this fixed: http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/


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    Posted · New question! Bundled questions about Cura

    :D I knew it was not a feature! But a bug!

    /off topic: Saw so many new replies. Ah, Daid must be back!


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    Posted · New question! Bundled questions about Cura

    Ok, so new question:

    I made a model which has 1 closed path of .8mm. Naturally I'm using a 0.8mm nozzle and 0.8 shell thickness and would like to make just one pass, for speed. However upon loading my model in Cura, I only see a few parts from my model in the layer view. Turning down the nozzle causes multiple passes. Turning down the shell causes multiple passes and even creates some infill.

    I assume my software(Solidworks) didn't make everything .8 exactly, but is there a way to trick cura into doing just one pass of the thing? A spiralize(a Joris) is not working here, given the relative complex shapes.

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    Posted (edited) · New question! Bundled questions about Cura

    Ok, an update: I'm closer to finishing the model, but I still can't get cura to make 1 pass. I've been experimenting with basic shapes, a square and a circle with walls exactly 0.8mm thick as can be seen here:


    However, in layer view, the square disappears and the circle is shredded.







    Edited by Guest
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