If the tape is lifting up then you need to use wider tape. If it is liting off the tape then you need to use brim and also wash the wax off the tape with isopropyl alcohol.
Illuminarti has 6 inch wide blue painters tape. I have 2 inch wide.
If the tape is lifting up then you need to use wider tape. If it is liting off the tape then you need to use brim and also wash the wax off the tape with isopropyl alcohol.
Illuminarti has 6 inch wide blue painters tape. I have 2 inch wide.
Hi thanks for the reply's. The blue tape is not sticking to the print bed! im new to 3d printing and have only ever used quick print profiles.
The bed is non heated. Im trying to print the ultimaker quiet retraction from thigiverse!
I cant seem to upload or copy links so cant provide pictures yet :( Will keep trying.
Also about levelling the bed. can I use a sprite level to check this or am I being silly?
You mean "spirit level"? You don't need the bed to be level with the earth. It needs to be level with the gantry above that moves the head around. So: No, don't use a spirit level.
Regarding tape lifting - just go to the nearest paint store and get some wider painters tape! Blue or Green is fine. Even "white" masking tape will work. But I recommend blue or green and get the thickest they have. 2 inches is twice as good as the stuff from UM and 6 inches is even better.
or use a wide brim and when it starts the second layer, tape over the brim with ductape .
Be careful not to push to hard on the print-bed otherwise your leveling/layerhight will change.
Again thanks for the reply's/tips . Im using 50mm blue tape. about 1 and half inch. I really wish I could upload some pictures my bed is pretty scratched up so wondering if that's why the blue tape wont stick. im also pretty sure im bed is level it was already setup when I got it and also checked with a piece of paper under the nozzle if it slides same amount... is there a print I can do and some tests???
I have just tried pritt stick glue to hold the tape down. doing a print now. im abit worried about going into full settings to apply brim :/
I cant even add a link to photo bucket pictures, guess it cause im a new member?
If you go into your favorite settings and save the gcode to say "a.gcode" then go expert and you can say "load profile from gcode..." and choose "a.gcode". Now all the expert settings are identical to the settings you had before.
Now you can simply add brim.
Anyway I still say buy wider tape.
I don't think scratches will hurt but it does help to clean the base plate thoroughly before applying the tape and push the tape down hard.
I've never had this problem since I went to the wide tape. I used to have it with the tape that came with my UM Original.
By the way you can reduce corner lifting forces by changing the design. Use as little infill as possible or add lots of large vertical holes through the part - this reduces the pulling forces. Make corners very very rounded (or use lots of brim) to spread the force over a larger area. Print with no bottom (uncheck the "bottom" checkbox) - obviously this might be a problem if you don't want the infill to be visible from the bottom of the part.
Hi getting technical for me haha. I don't make my printed just find them on thigiverse lol im not clever enough to even start about that.
I will look for wider tape tho I did try some glue stick on the bed and tape on top that was a lot better. I really wish I could add photos maybe I will try pm you some will make a lot more sence to people I think.
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yellowshark 153
What is you 1st layer depth and 1st layer print speed? Bed temp.? Can you post a pic or two of the models so we can see the bottom surface area - a screen clip of the model in Cura would do. Have you checked and set your bed levelling? A pic of a model immediately it has completed print of layer 1 may help too.
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