DidierKlein 729
I heard this, it's pretty clever when you think about it. Just think of the time he needed to make a believable replica.
This is part of the "game" there will always be people who use good innovative stuff for bad purposes...
I heard this, it's pretty clever when you think about it. Just think of the time he needed to make a believable replica.
This is part of the "game" there will always be people who use good innovative stuff for bad purposes...
Criminals have been doing this for years. This is the first I've heard of 3d printed facades, but a few years ago criminals were doing the same thing in the US and Canada with elaborate injection moulded pieces.
Lets be honest.. there are a thousand interesting criminal applications to 3d printing.
If I started listing a few... I guess a lot of people would start rising their eye brows... LOLLLL...
so nothing doing that..... LOL
If it has been invented, it has been, or will be, abused to harm people. That is how it has been and always will be. It is just human nature.
Somehow 3D printing gets people all worked up. I guess it comes with the territory of a slightly hyped phenomenon, but in reality it is no different than all those other technologies that are useful and can be very useful or very harmful, depending on intent. The same could be said for mobile phones, the internet, aircraft et cetera ad infinitum.
correct !!!
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ian 32
lets just say interesting !!
as 3d printing becomes a bigger normal part of our lives... of course criminals will jump on the band wagon...
thanks for the interesting article !!
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